Grass, weeds and shrubs

This page covers the maintenance of grass, weeds and shrubs on highways. 

Management of shrubs, grass and weed growth within parks and open spaces, housing sites, schools and other council building may be different and the responsibility lies with the department or site outlined below.

If the information on this page does not provide the details required please report the issue using the online form.



The main way weeds are controlled on the streets is through the application of a weed killer during four treatments each year. All treatments, on hard surfaces (pavements, road gullies/gutters), should be carried out between February and December on a nine to twelve-week cycle.

The weed killer is only applied to the growth visible during the visit, which means that new weeds will start to grow after each visit. 

It can take between take two to three weeks for weeds to die after treatment. The weeds are not normally removed once they have died, as they should decompose and disperse naturally. However, the street cleansing team may target areas where this is a large amount of dead weed growth that has not dispersed after three weeks.

Weed treatment programme

The highway weed treatment programme for 2025 started on the 24 February. We carry out 4 main treatments to footpaths and gullies and the list of wards below are shown in the order of treatment with a completion date for the last treatment for each ward.  

 Find out what ward your road is in:

Ward Treated
Seven Kings  
Ilford Town  
South Woodford  
Wanstead Village  
Wanstead Park  


A schedule is agreed between ourselves and the contractor prior to the start of the season. Any amendments during the year are agreed by both parties. The contractor provides a weekly update on the progress of the work programme. The contractor is also required to carry out an element of self-monitoring and submit the results to us. We then carry out sample monitoring of the contractors self-monitoring.

  • Soft surfaces are treated with weed killer once or twice a per year
  • Hard surfaces treatment vary between 2 and 5 times per year

The frequency of treatments throughout the borough varies depending on the growth rate of the weed within the areas. Some areas experience a greater amount of weed growth than others, due to a number of reasons, including:

  • neighbouring vegetation
  • make-up of the road and pavement surface – weed growth is generally greater on paved areas than tarmacked areas

Unless you have the appropriate licence and direct approval from the council, it is against the law for anyone apart from the council's contractor to apply weed killer on public land. 

The weed killer works programme is subject to change during unsuitable weather conditions, such as:

  • during or immediately after rainfall
  • high or gusty winds
  • extremely high temperatures (above 30 degrees Celsius)

For the majority of roads and pavements within Redbridge, the weed killer is applied manually by a member of staff. The member of staff walks the street with the weed killer within either a knapsack on their back, or a lance, where the weed killer is located within the lance.

On rural roads (areas that generally do not have footpaths) and central reservations, a specially equipped vehicle is used to apply the weed killer as it is considered too hazardous to apply it manually.

Types of weed killer

There are two types of weed killer used in Redbridge:

Contact weed killer

This controls weeds that it comes into direct contact with and is absorbed by the plant, so it also reaches the root system of the plant. It becomes inactive on contact with any other surface, e.g. paving or soil. This weed killer is used on both hard and soft surfaces. We use Roundup ProVantage which is a Glyphosate based weed killer.

Residual Weed Killer

This is used on soft surfaces only and is applied directly to the soil, where it creates a shallow barrier on the surface of the soil, that inhibits any seeds within that area, from germinating; this means it prevents weeds from starting to grow.

This weed killer is normally applied only once in the year. The success of this weed killer varies greatly, depending on weather conditions. Extensive or heavy rain can dilute the weed killer and wash it out of the ground. We use Pacaya which is a herbicide that contains flazasulfuron.

On occasion, a moss killer is also applied to areas where there is significant moss growth.

Timings can vary depending on the type of weed and the weather conditions. Generally, the weeds will take two to three weeks to fully die. However, grass tends to die a lot quicker and broadleaf weeds (such as dandelions) can take longer.

Some weeds are more resistant to the weed killer and may take much longer to die. In some cases, certain species of weed are removed manually due to their resistance to the weed killer.

Weeds take longer to die if the temperature is low (below 8 degrees Celsius) or high (above 30 degrees Celsius).

The weeds are not generally removed once they have died, but disperse naturally. Where weed growth is prolific, the street cleansing team may remove the larger weeds when they have died.

In roads where there is pavement parking it may not be possible to treat weeds under a car. Therefore, once other weeds die and the car moves, there may be 2 metre stretches of kerb where weeds are still growing. Operatives will not return out of programme to treat these areas and they should be treated during one of the next programmed visits.

As part of our community gardening initiative, residents are encouraged to apply in December to adopt street tree pits for planting with wild flowers.  The application period is over and we received an overwhelming response to adoption and over 1,300 tree pits have been adopted across the borough.

Since 2021 we will be planting replacement street trees with blue labels on them and we would like your help to adopt and water the tree outside your house without having to complete a tree pit adoption application in the first year.

To find out more about how to adopt and water a tree on the highway to help encourage tree growth and blossom in your area, please visit our Adopt and water a tree page for more information.


Grassed verges

The grass verges are cut nine-times in the year, which means there are approximately six weeks between the cuts. The grass grows at different rates throughout the year, with the fastest rate being between April and June and during the rest of the year the grass tends to grow slower, but the flowers and seed heads will continue to grow quite tall.

Grass cutting programme

The highway grass cutting programme for 2025 started on the 27 February. We will visiting each site every 5 to 6 weeks and the list of wards below are shown in the approximate order they will be cut with a completion date for each ward. At the start of the year the ground is still quite wet, rather than cutting the grass and damaging the soil, some sites may only have minimal work carried out during the initial visit.

Ward Cut Date
South Woodford  
Seven Kings  
Ilford Town  
Wanstead Park  
Wanstead Village  


Grass cuts each year will vary, as some locations are managed differently for a specific reason. There are three main categories:

Grass verges

There are about 240 highway grass verges in the 22 Redbridge wards, covering 165,000 square metres. The verges are cut eight times each year on a six-week cycle.

The cutting starts in March and generally is completed in November or December.

The programme is subject to alteration due to weather and ground conditions.  Cutting is not carried out in heavy rain or if the ground is too soft due to waterlogging.

Cutting may be suspended in periods of prolonged hot weather when the grass dies back. This is to prevent damage to the grass and ground surface.

Rural Road verges

Verges adjacent to farmers fields and in non-residential areas (mainly in the Aldborough and Hainault wards) are cut twice per year, to maintain sight lines for motorists.

For safety reasons, this work is generally carried out using a tractor, with a cutting arm attached to it.

Redbridge Council is  promoting bio-diversity schemes and wildflower meadows on the highway; through this initiative the area on the highway now covered by Grow Zones is 21% of the total area at the following highway locations :

Ward Site Frequency
Aldborough Billet Road Winter
Aldborough Hainault Road Winter
Aldborough  Oaks Lane Winter
Aldborough Station Road Winter
Bridge Brackley Square Winter
Bridge Chigwell Road Winter
Bridge Finchingfield Avenue Summer and winter
Bridge Fyfield Road Summer and winter
Chadwell Station Road Car Park No. 19 Winter
Churchfields Bunces Lane Winter
Churchfields Chigwell Road Winter
Churchfields Fieldhouse Close Summer and winter
Churchfields High Road  Winter
Churchfields Lincoln Road Summer and winter
Clayhall Claybury Broadway Winter
Clayhall Lodge Hill Winter
Clayhall Roding Lane South Winter
Clementswood Mildmay Road Winter
Clementswood Mildmay Road Car Park   Winter
Fairlop Hazelbrouck Gardens Summer and winter
Fairlop Tomswood Hill Winter
Fullwell Atherton Road Summer and winter
Fullwell Caernarvon Drive to Fullwell Avenue footpath Summer and winter
Fullwell Hurstleigh Gardens Summer and winter
Fullwell Lambs Meadow Summer and winter
Fullwell Wensleydale Avenue Winter
Goodmayes High Road Winter
Hainault Long Green Footpath Summer and winter
Hainault Forest Road Winter
Hainault Romford Road Winter
Ilford Town  Corkers Path Winter
Ilford Town Riches Road Subway Summer and winter
Ilford Town Winston Way Winter
Loxford Ilford Lane Summer and winter
Loxford Loxford Lane Winter
Loxford  Pittman Gardens Summer and winter
Monkhams  Broadmead Road Winter
Monkhams  Dale Gardens Summer and winter
Monkhams  Epping New Road Winter
Monkhams  Harts Grove Winter
Monkhams  High Road Woodford Winter
Monkhams  Sydney Road Winter
South Woodford Hermon Hill Winter
South Woodford The Drive Winter
Wanstead Park Blake Hall Road Winter
Wanstead Park Lakehouse Road Winter
Wanstead Park Northumberland Avenue Summer and winter
Wanstead Park Overton Drive Winter
Wanstead Village Hermitage Close Winter
Wanstead Village Nelson Road Winter
Wanstead Village Rodney Road Winter
Wanstead Village Wanstead Place Winter

The grass at these locations is being left to grow to encourage wildflowers and grasses to sow their seeds. The areas are cut and collected once or twice a year,  depending on rate of growth and location, in the summer (July) and/or winter (November-February) to improve the range of species the Grow Zones can support.  The frequency of cutting at each site is detailed in the above table.

In 2021 and 2022, five sites were monitored to make a note of wildflower and grass species during the year. 116 different plants were identified in 2021 and 162 in 2022, showing an increase in biodiversity between the two years.

Species identified in 2022 are listed below and this helps to show the biodiversity benefit of reducing the frequency of mowing. 

Common name Botanical name Month first noted
Autumn Hawkbit Scorzoneroides autumnalis July
Annual Meadow Grass Poa annua May
Annual Mercury Mercurialis annua April
Barley Brome Grass Hordeum glaucum May
Barnyard Grass Echinochloa crus-galli May
Bindweed Convolvulus arvensis April
Birdsfoot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus May
Bitter Lettuce Lactuca virosa April
Black Horehound Ballota nigra April
Bramble Rubus fruticosus April
Bristly Ox Tongue Helminthotheca echnoides April
Broad-leaf Plantain Plantago major August
Bucks-horn Plantain Plantago coronopus May
Bulbous Buttercup Ranunculus bulbosus April
Burnet Bloodwort Sanguisorba officinalis April
California Poppy Eschscholzia californica June
Cats Ear Hypochaeris radicata April
Cleavers Galium aparine April
Cocks Foot (grass) Dactylis glomerata September
Columbine Aquilegia vulgaris April
Common Bent Agrosis capillaris July
Common Burdock Arctium minus April
Common Chickweed Stellaria media April
Common Comfrey Symphytum officinale April
Common Forget-me-not Myosotis sylvatica April
Common Knapweed Centaurea nigra June
Common Marjoram Origanum majorana April
Common Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris April
Common Ragwort Senecio jacobaea April
Common Sorrel Rumex acetosa April
Common Sow Thistle Sonchus oleraceus May
Common Teasel Dipsacus fullonum April
Common Thistle Cirsium vulgare April
Common Vetch Vicia sativa April
Corn Cockle Agrostemma githago June
Cow Parsley Anthriscus sylvestris April
Cow Parsnip Heracleum maximum April
Creeping Bellflower Campanula rapunculoides May
Creeping Buttercup Ranunculus repens April
Creeping Cinquefoil Potentilla reptans April
Crepis-dandelion Crepis vesicaria April
Curly Dock Rumex crispus April
Cut-leaf Cranesbill Geranium dissectum May
Daffodil Narcissus April
Daisy Bellis perennis April
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale April
Dewberry Rubus caesius July
Dock Rumex obtusifolia April
Dog Rose Rosa canina July
Dovesfoot Cranesbill Geranuim molle April
Dusty Miller Jacobaea maritima April
Dwarf Mallow Malva neglecta April
Dyers Rocket Reseda luteola July
Elderberry Sambucus canadensis July
Elmleaf Blackberry Rubus ulmifolius July
English Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta May
False Barley Grass Hordeum murinum May
Fat Hen Chenopodium album July
Field Mustard Brassica rapa May
Field Scabious Knautia arvensis September
Field Speedwell Veronica persica April
Field Thistle Cirsium discolor April
Firethorn Pyracantha coccinea July
Garden Violet/Sweet Viola Viola odorata April
Garlic Mustard Alliaria petiolata April
Golden Ragwort Senecio aureus April
Greater Plantain Plantago major April
Greater Spearwort Ranunculus lingua May
Greek Mustard Erucastrum incanum May
Green Alkanet Pentaglottis sempervirens April
Groundsel Senecio vulgaris April
Guernsey Fleabane Erigeron sumatrensis September
Hairy Bittercress Cardamine hirsuta April
Hawkweed Ox-tongue Picris hieraciodes May
Hawksbeard Crepis biennis April
Heart-pod Hoary Cress Lepidium draba April
Heart Seed Grass (tbc) Eragrostis capensis June
Hedge Bedstraw Galium mollugo April
Hedge Mustard Sisymbrium officinale May
Hedgerow Cranesbill Geranuim pyrenaicum May
Herb Bennet Geum urbanum April
Herb Robert Geranium robertianum April
Hoary Plantain Plantago media April
Hoary Mustard Sinapsis arvensis July
Horehound Marrubium vulgare April
Hungarian Brome Bromus inermis September
Italian Hawksbeard Crepis bursifolia May
Ivy Hedera helix April
Knotgrass Polygonum aviculare May
Lady's Bedstraw Galium verum June
Least Pepperwort Lepidium virginicum July
Lesser Canary Grass Phalaris minor May
Lesser Celandine Ficaria verna April
Lesser Stitchwort Stellaria graminea May
Lesser Swine-cress Lepidium didymum July
Lincoln Weed (wild rocket) Diplotaxus tenuifolia May
Long Smooth-headed Poppy Papaver dubium July
Long-stork Cranesbill Geranium columbinum April
Mallow Malva sylvestris May
Marigold Calendula officinalis April
Meadow Buttercup Ranunculus acris April
Meadow Foxtail (grass) Alopecurus pratensis May
Meadow Thistle Cirsidium dissectum April
Narrow Leaf Ragwort Senecio inaequidens August
Northern Hawksbeard Crepis mollis July
Oil Seed Rape Brassica napus May
Old Mans Beard Clematis vitalba August
Orchard Grass Dactylis glomerata May
Oriental Poppy Papaver orientale May
Oregano Origanum vulgare June
Ox-Eye Daisy Leucanthemum vulgare June
Perennial Rye Grass Lolium perenne July
Perennial Wall Rocket Diplotaxis tenuifolia September
Pink Mallow Malva alcea July
Pineapple weed Matricaria discoidea May
Poverty Brome (grass) Bromus sterilis May
Prickly Lettuce Lactuca seriola July
Prickly Sow Thistle Sonchus asper April
Purple Knapweed Centaurea calcitrapa May
Pyramidal Orchid Anacamptis pyramidalis July
Red Clover Trifolium pratense April
Red Dead Nettle Lamium purpureum April
Ribwort Plantain Plantago lanceolata April
Rosebay Willowherb Chamaenerion augustifolium May
Rose Campion Lychnis coronaria June
Rough Chervil Chaerophyllum temulum April
Rough Hawkbit Leontodon hispidus April
Rough Star Thistle Centaurea aspea July
Sainfoin Onobrychis vicifolia June
St Johns Wort Hypericum calycinum May
Silver Plantain Plantago argentea Chaix April
Slender Sow Thistle Sonchus tenerrimus May
Small Henbit Lamium amplexicaule April
Smooth Cats-ear Hypochaeris glabra May
Smooth Meadow Grass Poa pratensis September
Snow in Summer Cerastium tomentosum May
Spanish Bluebell  Hyacinthoides hispanica April
Spear Thistle Cirsium vulgare April
Spotted Medick Medicago arabica April
Spotted St Johns Wort Hypericum puncatum April
Spring Wild Oat (grass) Avena fatua July
Stinging Nettle Urtica dioica April
Strawberry Clover Trifolium fragiferum August
Striate Clover Trifolium striatum July
Sweet Vernal (grass) Anthoxanthum odoratum May
Three Cornered Leek (tbc) Allium triquetum May
Wheat Triticum aestivum July
White Campion Silene latifolia April
White Clover Trifolium repens April
White Panicle Aster Symphyotrichum lanceolatum September
Wild Carrot Daucus carota June
Wild Clary Salvia verbenaca April
Wild Lettuce Lactuca virosa April
Wild Marjoram Origanum vulgare May
Wild Mustard Sinapsis arvensis May
Wild Parsnip Pastinaca sativa April
White Dead Nettle Lamium album April
Woodbine Clematis virginiana September
Yarrow Achillea millefolium April
Yellow Oat Grass (grass - tbc) Trisetum flavescens May
Yellow Salsify Tragopogon dubius May
Yorkshire Fog Grass Holcus lanatus July

Redbridge Council operates a Framework Agreement Contract (FAC) for grounds maintenance works.  All companies included on the FAC have been vetted and approved to carry out work on behalf of the London Borough of Redbridge. Contractor monitoring is carried out by both the contractor and the council to ensure the schedule is adhered to and works are to the required standard.

The cuttings are not removed following the cutting operation, but are left atop the grass verge. During windy or wet conditions, the cuttings may blow off the verge onto the road and pavements. It may not be possible to blow the cuttings back onto the verge and the cuttings will be left on the road or pavement to disperse naturally.

All visible litter should be removed before cutting the grass verges and removed immediately on completion of the cutting operation.  The Council’s  Street Cleansing Service works with the contractor on rural roads and biodiversity/wildflower site operations, removing any exposed or shredded litter shortly after the cutting operation is completed.

Bulky items or fly-tipping will not be removed but cut around. The contractor is required to report any issues that prevent the grass from being cut to the council.

Find out more about litter removal and fly tipping 

Where bulbs (mainly daffodils) have been planted in the grass, the grass is not cut until at least the end of May. This period allows the bulbs to flower and after flowering the bulbs need to be left for a minimum of six weeks to store energy in the bulb so it can flower the following year.

The following could potentially damage verges:

  • vehicles parking
  • utility or maintenance
  • uneven surfaces caused by vehicle wheels
  • excessive stones or debris left on the grass verge

Where the above occurs, areas of verge will be left uncut until it has been repaired.


Shrubs, hedges and roses

Shrubs and hedges

Shrub and hedge pruning can be carried out twice per year, during the summer (June-August) and the autumn/winter periods (October-February). Not every shrub will require pruning and some sites are assessed prior to each pruning period to ascertain if they require pruning or not; Additionally, in the winter some sites are noted for extra work to reduce overlarge shrubs.  The shrub and hedge work programme below identifies how shrubs and hedges will be maintained in each road.

Shrubs are not pruned if there are birds nesting within them as it is against the law to disturb a nesting bird during nesting season (generally between March and August).

Weeds within shrub beds are not removed by hand, but are treated with herbicide at the start of the year.

The table below shows roads and car parks where there are shrubs and hedges that are part of the highway pruning programme. The information displays what activities are planned during the summer (June-August) and the autumn/winter periods (October-February),  the four types of activities each season are: Pruning will be carried out, no work to be completed, an inspection will be carried out to consider if work is required or extra work to be carried out to reduce overlarge shrubs . Once the status of the Winter pruning in each road is known, a programmed completion date for work will be added to the table below. 

Ward Site Summer Winter Status
Aldborough Bawdsey Avenue Prune Prune 31 December
Aldborough Brendon Gardens Prune No Work  
Aldborough Cambrian Avenue Prune No Work  
Aldborough Chiltern Road Prune No Work  
Aldborough Horns Road No Work Prune 31 March
Aldborough Northdown Gardens No Work Extra 31 December
Aldborough Oaks Lane Prune Extra 31 December
Aldborough Oaks Lane Footpath (Footpath 97) Prune Prune 31 December
Aldborough Spearpoint Gardens Prune Extra 31 March
Aldborough St James Gardens Prune Extra 31 December
Aldborough St Peters Close Prune Inspect 31 March
Aldborough Torbitt Way Prune Extra 31 December
Aldborough Tring Close Footpath No Work Extra 31 December
Barkingside Bronte Close Prune Prune 31 December
Barkingside Crombie Close Prune Prune 31 December
Barkingside Kenwood Gardens No Work Prune 31 December
Barkingside Longwood Gardens Prune No Work  
Barkingside Northwood Gardens No Work Prune 31 December
Bridge Brackley Square Prune Prune 31 December
Bridge Bush Road No Work Prune 31 December
Bridge Cairns Avenue No Work Inspect 31 March
Bridge Canfield Road Prune Extra  
Bridge Cherry Tree Rise No Work Extra  
Bridge Chigwell Road Prune Inspect 31 March
Bridge Claybury Road Prune Extra  
Bridge Crownhill Road Prune Extra  
Bridge Deacon Way No Work Extra  
Bridge Debden Close Prune Prune 31 December
Bridge Elmslie Close Prune Prune 31 December
Bridge Finchingfield Avenue Prune Prune 31 December
Bridge Frankland Close Prune Prune 31 December
Bridge Fyfield Road Prune No Work  
Bridge Gaynes Hill Road Prune Extra  
Bridge Glastonbury Avenue Prune Prune 31 December
Bridge Greenstead Gardens Prune Extra  
Bridge Grenville Gardens Prune Prune 31 December
Bridge Gwynne Park Avenue Prune Prune 31 December
Bridge Highfield Road Prune Extra  
Bridge Kinnaird Way No Work Prune 31 December
Bridge Madeira Grove Prune Extra 31 March
Bridge Milkwell Gardens Prune Extra 31 December
Bridge Pintail Road Prune Prune 31 December
Bridge Roxwell Way Prune Prune 31 December
Bridge Sands Way Prune Prune 31 December
Bridge Spring Gardens Prune Prune 31 December
Bridge Springfield Gardens Prune Extra 31 March
Bridge St Anthony's Avenue Prune Extra 30 November
Bridge The Firs No Work Prune 31 December
Chadwell Chadwell Heath Lane Prune Extra 31 March
Chadwell Essex Road Gardens No Work Inspect 31 December
Chadwell Lexden Drive No Work Extra 31 December
Chadwell Shepherds Close Prune Inspect 31 December
Chadwell Station Road Car Park No. 19 Prune Inspect  
Chadwell Stroud's Close No Work Extra 31 December
Chadwell Wangey Road Car Park No Work No Work  
Churchfields Abbotsford Gardens Prune Extra 31 March
Churchfields Arlington Road Prune Prune 31 December
Churchfields Arundel Drive Prune Prune 31 December
Churchfields Beverley Crescent Prune Prune 31 December
Churchfields Bunces Lane No Work No Work  
Churchfields Derby Road Car Park Prune Prune 31 December
Churchfields Diana Close Prune Prune 31 December
Churchfields Fieldhouse Close No Work Extra 31 December
Churchfields Footpath 60 High Road To St Albans Crescent Prune Prune 31 December
Churchfields Forest Approach No Work Inspect 31 March
Churchfields Fullers Road Prune Prune 31 December
Churchfields Grove Road No Work Extra 31 December
Churchfields Latchett Road Prune Extra 31 December
Churchfields Lynwood Close Prune Extra 31 March
Churchfields Mayfair Gardens Prune Prune 31 December
Churchfields Rokeby Gardens Prune Prune 31 December
Churchfields Salway Close - Highways Prune Extra 31 March
Churchfields Scoter Close No Work Prune 31 December
Churchfields Shenfield Road Prune Prune 31 December
Churchfields St Ronans Crescent Prune Prune 31 December
Churchfields The Vale Prune Prune 31 December
Churchfields Wansford Road Prune Prune 31 December
Clayhall Falmouth Gardens No Work Prune 31 December
Clayhall Margaret Way Prune Extra 31 December
Clayhall Mighell Avenue No Work Prune 31 December
Clayhall Roding Lane South Prune Extra 31 December
Clayhall Tryfan Close Prune Inspect 31 March
Clayhall Wray Avenue Prune Prune 31 December
Clementswood Mildmay Road No Work No Work  
Clementswood Philpot Path No Work Extra 31 December
Cranbrook Belgrave Road No Work Prune 31 March
Cranbrook Canterbury Avenue No Work Prune 31 December
Cranbrook Carlisle Gardens No Work Prune 31 December
Cranbrook Chelmsford Gardens Prune Prune 31 December
Cranbrook Cranbrook Rise Prune Extra 31 December
Cranbrook Exeter Gardens Prune Prune 31 December
Cranbrook Gloucester Gardens Prune No Work  
Cranbrook Lincoln Gardens Prune Extra 31 December
Cranbrook The Drive Prune Prune 31 December
Cranbrook Wakefield Gardens No Work Prune 31 December
Cranbrook Wells Gardens No Work Prune 31 December
Fairlop Amanda Close Prune No Work  
Fairlop Andrews Close Prune Extra 31 March
Fairlop Aragon Drive Prune No Work  
Fairlop Aragon Drive/Merlin Grove Prune No Work  
Fairlop Baron Gardens Prune Prune 31 December
Fairlop Benrek Close No Work No Work  
Fairlop Craven Gardens Prune Prune 31 December
Fairlop Fencepiece Road Prune Prune 31 December
Fairlop Fremantle Roundabout No Work Prune 31 December
Fairlop Fullwell Cross Roundabout No Work Extra 31 December
Fairlop Inverness Drive Prune No Work  
Fairlop Laing Close Prune Prune 31 December
Fairlop Ludham Close Prune Prune 31 December
Fairlop Marion Close Prune Prune 30 November
Fairlop Starch House Lane Footpath 85 No Work Extra  
Fairlop Tomswood Hill Prune Prune 31 December
Fairlop Tomswood Hill, 171-191 Prune Extra 31 March
Fairlop Wickets Way Prune No Work  
Fairlop Wolsey Gardens Prune No Work  
Fairlop Wolsey Gardens/Tudor Crescent No Work Prune 31 December
Fullwell Hillington Gardens Prune Extra  
Fullwell Marston Road No Work No Work  
Fullwell Northview Drive Prune Extra 31 March
Fullwell Peel Place Footpath Prune Prune 31 December
Fullwell Portman Drive Prune Extra  
Fullwell Ravensbourne Estate Prune Prune 31 December
Fullwell Ravensbourne Gardens Prune Inspect 31 March
Fullwell Vienna Close Prune No Work  
Fullwell Wedmore Avenue Prune No Work  
Fullwell Wensleydale Avenue Prune Prune 31 December
Fullwell Westview Drive Prune Extra  
Goodmayes Fiennes Close Prune No Work  
Goodmayes Pedley Road Prune No Work  
Hainault Ascot Close No Work Prune 31 December
Hainault Lakeland Close Prune Prune 31 December
Hainault Newcastle Avenue No Work Prune 31 December
Hainault Romford Road Prune Extra 31 March
Hainault The Acorns Prune Inspect 30 November
Ilford Town Buckingham Road No Work No Work  
Ilford Town Clements Road Multi Storey Car Park Prune Prune 31 December
Ilford Town Corkers Path No Work Inspect 31 March
Ilford Town Kenneth More Road Prune Inspect 31 March
Ilford Town Riches Road Subway Prune Inspect 31 March
Ilford Town St Marys Road Prune Prune 31 December
Ilford Town Stanley Road Prune Prune 31 December
Ilford Town Sylvan Road Bus Terminus Prune Prune 31 December
Ilford Town Winston Way Prune Prune 31 December
Loxford Azalea Close Prune No Work  
Loxford Blackthorn Road Prune Prune 31 December
Loxford Jasmine Close Footpath Prune Prune 31 December
Loxford Kenneth Avenue No Work No Work  
Loxford Lawson Close Prune Prune 31 December
Mayfield Morrab Gardens Prune Extra 31 December
Monkhams  Aldeburgh Place Prune No Work  
Monkhams  Almonds Avenue Prune Prune 31 December
Monkhams  Barclay Oval No Work Prune 31 December
Monkhams  Beech Lane No Work Extra 31 December
Monkhams  Bentley Way Prune Extra 31 December
Monkhams  Beresford Drive Prune Prune 31 December
Monkhams  Brancepeth Gardens Prune Extra 31 December
Monkhams  Broad Oak Prune No Work  
Monkhams  Broadmead Road No Work Extra 31 December
Monkhams  Carlina Gardens Prune Prune 31 December
Monkhams  Charteris Road Car Park Prune Extra 31 December
Monkhams  Chiltern Way No Work Prune 31 December
Monkhams  Dale Gardens Prune Extra 31 December
Monkhams  Denehurst Gardens Prune Prune 31 December
Monkhams  Epping New Road Prune Prune 31 December
Monkhams  Forest Way Prune Prune 31 December
Monkhams  Friars Gate Close Prune Prune 31 December
Monkhams  Harts Grove Prune Extra 31 December
Monkhams  High Road Woodford No Work Extra 31 December
Monkhams  High Road Woodford Green O/S 640-672 No Work No Work  
Monkhams  Hutton Close Prune Prune 31 December
Monkhams  Jacklin Green Prune Extra 31 December
Monkhams  King's Avenue Prune Prune 31 December
Monkhams  Knighton Close No Work Prune 31 December
Monkhams  Knighton Drive Prune Extra 31 December
Monkhams  Malvern Drive Prune Prune 31 December
Monkhams  Monkhams Lane Prune Extra 31 December
Monkhams  Newlands Road Prune Prune 31 December
Monkhams  Pankhurst Green No Work No Work  
Monkhams  Prince's Avenue Prune Prune 31 December
Monkhams  Sir James Hawkey Hall No Work Extra 31 December
Monkhams  Sydney Road Prune No Work  
Monkhams  The Dell Prune Prune 31 December
Monkhams  The Glade Prune Prune 31 December
Monkhams  Woodland Close No Work No Work  
Monkhams  Woodland Way Prune Extra 31 March
Monkhams  Worcester Crescent Prune Prune 31 December
Newbury Brook Road Prune No Work  
Newbury Ley Street Prune No Work  
Newbury Middlefield Gardens No Work Extra 31 December
Newbury Wards Road No Work No Work  
Seven Kings Seven Kings Car Park Prune Prune 31 December
South Woodford Coppice Way No Work Prune 31 December
South Woodford Eagle Lane No Work Prune 31 December
South Woodford George Lane & Mulberry Way Car Park No Work Extra 31 December
South Woodford South View Drive Prune Prune 31 December
South Woodford Thornwood Close Prune Prune 31 December
Wanstead Park Cambridge Park No Work Prune 31 December
Wanstead Park Lakehouse Road Prune Prune 31 December
Wanstead Park The Green Prune Extra 31 December
Wanstead Park The Warren Drive Prune Prune 31 December
Wanstead Park Wanstead Station Prune No Work  
Wanstead Park Warren Road Prune Prune 31 December
Wanstead Park Well Cottage Close Prune Prune 31 December
Wanstead Park Wigram Road No Work Extra 31 December
Wanstead Village Colvin Gardens (Wanstead) Prune Prune 31 December
Wanstead Village Deynecourt Gardens Prune Prune 31 December
Wanstead Village Elmcroft Avenue Prune Extra 30 November
Wanstead Village Grove Park Car Park No. 12 No Work Extra 31 March
Wanstead Village Laura Close Prune Prune 31 December
Wanstead Village Limes Avenue Prune Prune 31 December
Wanstead Village Lorne Gardens Prune Prune 31 December
Wanstead Village Merino Close Prune Extra 31 December
Wanstead Village Preston Drive Prune Extra 30 November
Wanstead Village Rodney Road Prune Prune 31 December
Wanstead Village Seagry Road Prune No Work  


Roses are pruned once per year in February. Weeds within rose beds are not removed by hand but are treated with herbicide at the start of the year.

Generally, the pruning clippings are removed immediately following the pruning operation and the surrounding area left tidy. On occasion, the clippings may be mulched and left on the bed to allow the nutrients to return to the soil and aid future growth.

Dead shrubs can be removed but not replaced. We are considering a replacement planting programme subject to funding.

If utility (gas, electricity, water) companies carry out work that requires the removal of shrubs within the highway, the council work closely with the utility company on the reinstatement of the areas damaged and shrubs, during the planting season starting in November and ending in March.

To adopt a public space for community gardening, please visit our Spruce up your neighbourhood page and see the community gardening section for more information.