1. Appoint a Jumble Trail champion
The Jumble Trail Champion is in charge of organising what is going to take place on the chosen day. They need to decide on the location, date, time and whether or not stall holders will have to pay. This money can go towards a local charity or cause and you can use a number of event registration platforms online to manage this. For example, you can use www.eventbrite.com for this. The champion then creates an online map where all the registered stalls holders can be pinpointed. For example you can use Google’s My Maps for this.
2. Let people know about your Jumble Trail
Once you’ve decided on the details for your Jumble Trail you can promote this in your local community. Combine these with flyers, word of mouth and social media to let people know about your event.
3. Get stall holders to register online
Everybody who wants to host a stall needs to get in touch with the Jumble Trail Champion. As people register, the Champion will add details to the online map to show the households that are selling goods, where they are located and what they are selling. Stall holders can also post photos of their goods in order to gain some interest in advance. The Champion will regularly share the online map on
the events page as well as update everybody on how many stalls have registered to build up momentum and excitement.
4. Enjoy your day
There’s nothing left to do on the day but sell your items, try some of the neighbours’ goodies and get to know people in your community and it is not a bad way to raise a couple of quid for a good cause!