Useful tools to get you started
There are plenty of free and discounted resources that will support you to develop and promote your idea or project. Why not explore the sections below to pick up some hints and tips?
See our fund your idea page to get help with your next project or event.
Additional guides and toolkits
- Check out Travel for London's (TfL) Small Change Big Impact project and their fantastic practical toolkit to support you in establishing a variety of different projects.
- Why not check out the government's guide to "Organising a voluntary event: a 'Can Do' guide"? This guide has information about the practicalities of organising most types of community events.
Available meeting rooms
- Local libraries provide meeting rooms at a reduced cost for community and voluntary groups. Find out more on the library spaces web page
- Explore Community Action Redbridge for ideas about where to hold your next meeting or event
Communications and marketing
- Contact us to have your project, event or story feature in the monthly Our Streets e-newsletter. We'd love to hear from you
- Why not make the most of local community noticeboards in supermarkets, libraries and cafes?
- Visit the Community Action Redbridge website to find out how your event or project can feature in their weekly enewsletter and community calendar
- Why not speak to your local ward Councillor to see if they can help you promote your project or event. To identify your local ward Councillor visit the Your Councillor web page
- There are many free online platforms that will help you make professional looking flyers and posters in a matter of minutes. Why not check out
Additional resources
- Communities are able to set up a pitch on certain public "trading" areas free of charge. Terms and conditions apply. Find out more by visiting the Pavement Trading web page
- We are able to provide litter picking equipment to residents and small groups free of charge. Find out more on the Spruce up your neighbourhood web page. For groups made up of more than 15 people please contact us via our online form
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