Challenge a parking ticket or penalty charge notice

From Monday 7 April 2025 Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and other additional fees are increasing.  See notice of changes to penalty charges and additional fees


You can challenge a parking ticket or other Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) if you think it is wrong. The same applies to ‘notice to owner’ letters.

You have 28 days to challenge from the issue date on the ticket or letter.

When we receive your challenge the deadlines to pay are paused until a decision is made.


You cannot challenge a ticket after you get a charge certificate, reminder notice ot order for recovery.

We cannot consider challenges made after you receive any of these letters, even if you did not see an earlier ticket or letter..


Deciding to challenge

For a challenge to be accepted you need a good reason. These are called 'statutory grounds’ for a challenge.

Do challenge

Examples of why your parking ticket could be accepted:

  • the vehicle registration (number plate) is not yours
  • you were legally loading or unloading your vehicle in a loading area
  • the ticket was given before your parking session expired
  • you had a valid parking permit clearly displayed
  • your vehicle was stolen

Do not challenge

Examples of why your parking ticket will be rejected:

  • leaving your vehicle for “a few minutes/seconds” for any reason,
  • something or someone else made you late (for example, an appointment at the dentist or bank)
  • you parked illegally to pick up or drop off someone (for example, at school)
  • you did not see the road signs or markings

Pay a parking ticket


What you need

To challenge a ticket or ‘notice to owner’ you need:

  • the PCN number (this is on your ticket or letter)
  • your vehicle registration
  • details of your reason for challenging



Not all challenges need supporting evidence but it can help your case.

Examples of supporting evidence include:

  • a parking session payment confirmation
  • an official delivery note
  • a valid parking permit
  • a crime reference number
  • details of an insurance claim


How to challenge

Challenge on our website

The fastest way to challenge a ticket is on our website.

Challenge a PCN

Fill out the form and upload any photographs and copies of documents to support your challenge.

Challenge by post

Send details of your challenge to:

London Borough of Redbridge 
PO Box 750

Include any photographs and copies of documents to support your challenge with your letter.


Informal and formal challenges

The type of challenge you make depends on the type of ticket and how you received it.

Challenging a ticket you got on the street

This means a ticket attached to your vehicle or given to you by an officer.

You can make an ‘informal challenge’. You should provide any supporting evidence you have to help your challenge.

How long decisions take

We aim to reply to informal challenges within 10 working days. Decisions may take longer during busy periods.

Challenging a ticket you got in the post

This includes:

  • tickets sent after an officer could not give you a ticket on the street
  • tickets based on CCTV evidence
  • ‘notice to owner’ letters

You can make a formal challenge, called a ‘representation’. In most cases you will need to provide evidence to support your challenge.

How long decisions take

Decisions on formal challenges (representations) are made within 56 days (about two months) of our team receiving it.


What happens next

You’ll get a confirmation email and reference number if you challenge online. If you challenge by post you’ll not receive a confirmation email.

If your challenge is approved the ticket will be cancelled and you will not have to pay.


If your challenge is rejected

We'll send a rejection letter explaining why your ticket has not been cancelled. If your challenge is made within the discounted period, you’ll be given a further 14 days to pay.

If you got your ticket on the street

You've 28 days to pay the charge or you can make a formal challenge when you get a ‘notice to owner’ letter.

If you got your ticket or notice by post

You've 28 days to pay the charge or appeal to an independent tribunal (GOV.UK).