Parking Strategy

Parking Strategy 2020-2025

The Parking Strategy sets out our approach to managing parking on the public highway and in its off-street car parks. The approach is consistent with the national and local policy as well as contributing to the suite of the council’s transportation strategies that seek to reduce congestion on the boroughs network. Both the 2015 – 2020 Parking Strategy, which is in its final year, and the new 2020 – 2025 Parking Strategy are published below:

Parking Strategy 2015-2020 (PDF 690KB)

Parking Strategy 2020-25 (PDF 3216KB)


Frequently asked questions  

How do I find out if my property is in a controlled parking zone?

Signs will be provided in roads where controlled parking operates. You can also check if you are inside a parking zone by visiting our permit parking zones webpage.

Can I park on the verge outside my house?

No. Vehicles must not park on any grass or vegetative areas as this will cause them to deteriorate. Even if there are surrounding footway parking signs these will apply to hard pavement surfaces only.

Can I still accept deliveries if I have controlled parking in my road?

Yes – vehicles can still stop to load & unload (for up to 20mins as long as it is continuous).  The main exception is where loading restrictions have been introduced (these places will have street signs saying ‘no loading’).

Do I need a parking permit to park on my driveway or on any other private land?

No – you only need to display a permit when parked in the road during the controlled times.

Parking controls have been introduced into my area, but I don’t agree they are needed

We carefully assess each road before introducing any type of parking control.  This may involve undertaking parking beat surveys, consultation with local communities and emergency services as well as liaising with your Ward Councillors.  In some instances, a scheme is extended to protect roads from the displacement of parked vehicles from a previously uncontrolled area. An opportunity is always given for any formal objections to be made, which must be stated in writing and sent within the time period specified in the advertised notice. Any objections received are fully considered in consultation with your local Ward Councillors.

Can individual roads opt out of a new parking scheme?

Residents may submit a petition to exclude their road from parking controls and this might be considered. However, this isn’t recommended if the surrounding area is restricted as from experience in other areas it’s very likely that parking will simply get displaced into any uncontrolled spaces.

When are road markings expected to be on the road?

Much of the scheme will only involve the use of road signs (stating resident permit holders parking only past this point. Where new markings are required these will be provided in the last few weeks before the commencement date of the scheme.

Why was the rest of the road (outside the affected area) not notified?

There has to be a point where the scheme ends. Should a parking problem occur in other areas then this will be investigated and appropriate action taken.

Was there consultation with local residents?

This work is being carried out as part of the Parking Strategy that was developed for the whole Borough. As part of the consultation that was carried out thousands of people from across the borough responded and the strategy reflects the outcomes from this.  This scheme is being trialled as an experiment and during the first six months of operation, the public can lodge comments, suggestions, complaints and representations – all of which will be considered when the scheme is reviewed and a final decision made.

We don’t currently have a parking problem, so why is this parking scheme being introduced?

The scheme is expected to remove a significant number of vehicles coming into the area just to use the stations. The scheme includes roads which would become congested if these vehicles were to start parking in them instead.

If I park in my own driveway, will I still be affected?


Why do I have to pay? Aren’t parking schemes a ‘money making exercise’?

Parking schemes play a vital role in improving parking opportunities for local people and/or by improving road safety.  They are not intended to raise revenue.  A charge is made for permits as the process of implementing, managing and enforcing schemes does incur significant costs for the Council.  In accordance with the law, any surplus income that is generated must be used to fund other transport services within the Borough.

What happens to the commuters/non-residents when controlled parking is introduced?

Controlled Parking Zones are part of the Councils’ wider strategy for tackling congestion and pollution by making drivers think about alternative modes of travel. However, it is accepted that a large number of drivers will not change the way they travel and will want to continue parking for free in roads that are not controlled.  This displacement means that drivers may start parking in roads just outside of the Controlled Parking Zone or move onto a different area.

Can I park on surrounding roads with my permit?

Your permit is valid for the zone in which you live and can be used in surrounding roads as long as they have the same zone code as your permit.

Is there a limit to the number of permits available to each household or business?

In most cases, there is no limit to the number of permits that can be purchased, though local restrictions can be imposed if there is an obvious shortage of on-street parking space. 

Why is the price of a second/third parking permit so high?

The price of a second and third residents’ permit is set with the aim of reducing the demand for on-street parking in our busy borough.

How much do parking permits cost?

See the  Parking Permits page for details.

If I apply online, when will I get my permit?

You can apply online for permits.  In most cases, the Parking Management team will send out your permits in the post within five working days, or otherwise email you to tell you if there is a problem with your application.

Where can I park with a residents parking permit?

If you display a valid permit on the windscreen of your vehicle, you'll be entitled to park in the residents parking scheme area during its hours of operation. A residents parking permit doesn't enable a vehicle to be parked on yellow line waiting/loading restrictions, allow free parking at any pay and display area, business parking area or unlimited time in any loading bays which may be located within the residents parking scheme area.  It also does not allow you to park in other resident zones free of charge.

Will a permit parking scheme guarantee me a parking space in my road?

A parking permit is not a guarantee of a parking space, nor can we reserve parking on the public highway for individual private properties. However, by preventing commuters and other long term parking in your area, controlled parking zones make it much more likely that you’ll find a parking space near home.

Can I use my permit in a different zone?

No – they are only applicable to the zone in which you live.

Can I use my Resident permit on a different car?

No – they are uniquely identified to the approved vehicle, and must only be used on that vehicle.

Won’t my permit be worth stealing from my car?

No – they are unique to the vehicle and their design prevents copying or alteration, in order to prevent fraud.

How do visitor permits work, is there any expiry date?

Each book contains 10 scratch-off type permits which allow for a vehicle to park for up to one day. The permit is not valid until it is scratched off and there is not an expiry date on the permit books.

Can my visitors park in front of my dropped kerb without a permit?


I don’t need a resident permit, but can I still buy visitor permits?


What other vehicles can park in resident permit parking places?

In addition to residents' vehicles, the following vehicles can also be parked in resident parking places:

1. Vehicles displaying a visitor permit

2. Police, fire brigade, ambulance and other local authority vehicles

3. Doctors and nurses vehicles displaying an appropriate permit

4. Removal vans

5. Vehicles which are being used to deliver or collect goods from properties next to the parking place

6. Vehicles which are picking up or setting down passengers

I have a health carer that comes to my home.  Where can they park?

Essential User Permits are available to those who work for or are contracted to a Health Service, London Borough of Redbridge, The Police or Fire Service.  This permit allows that user to park in any vacant pay and display bay, residents’ bay and, in any council operated pay and display car park for a maximum of two hours. Find out more information by visiting our Essential User Parking Permit webpage.  Alternatively, visitor permits may be used in the normal way.

Will workmen/delivery drivers need a permit?

Trades people and deliveries will only need a permit if their vehicle is to remain in the parking area for longer than is needed to load/unload/deliver.

Do I have to give notice to use the free parking in the Pay & Display areas?

No notice is required as it can be arranged once you have parked.

If resident permit areas are full, can residents park in the pay & display bays without being fined?


My business customers will have nowhere to park?

Short term parking (up to 2 Hours with a 1 hour free facility as well) is included close to all businesses.

Will business permit holders be able to park in the same places as residents?

Business permit holders will be able to use Business and dual use parking bays but will not be able to use areas which are for resident permit holders only.

I’m a disabled blue badge holder.  How will a new parking scheme affect me?

Residents that hold a valid blue disabled badge and live within a permit parking area may receive their resident and visitor permits free of charge, subject to a maximum limit. Blue badge holders may also be entitled to use other parking facilities for free, see our Blue Badge Scheme webpage for further information.