Pension Fund Communications Policy Statement

1 July 2016


This is the Communications Policy Statement of the London Borough of Redbridge Pension Fund, (the Administering Authority).

The Fund liaises with 22 employers and over 15,000 scheme members in relation to the Local Government Pension Scheme. The delivery of the benefits involves communication with a number of other interested parties. This statement provides an overview of how we communicate and how we intend to measure whether our communications are successful.

It is effective from 1 July 2016.

Any enquiries in relation to this Communications Policy Statement should be sent to:

Doug Falconer, Pensions Adviser

Deborah Macaly, Head of HR Operations

London Borough of Redbridge
HR Services
255 – 259 High Road
Essex IG1 1NN

Email: HR Helpdesk at
Telephone : 020 8708 3000

Regulatory Framework

 This policy statement is required by the provisions of Regulation 61 of the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 2013 (as amended).  The provision requires us to:

“. . . prepare, maintain and publish a written statement setting out our policy concerning communications with:

(a) members

(b) representatives of members

(c) prospective members; and

(d) scheme

In addition it specifies that the statement must set out our policy on:

(a) the provision of information and publicity about the Scheme to members, representatives of members and Scheme employers

(b) the format, frequency and method of distributing such information or publicity; and

(c) the promotion of the Scheme to prospective members and their employers

with key stakeholders

Our audience

We communicate with a number of stakeholders. For the purposes of this communication policy statement, we are considering our communications with the following key groups:

  • active members
  • deferred members
  • pensioner members
  • prospective members
  • employing authorities (scheme employers and admission bodies)

In addition there are a number of other stakeholders with whom we communicate on a regular basis, such as HM Revenue and Customs, the Department of Communities and Local Government, the Pensions Regulator, solicitors, the Pensions Advisory Service, senior officers, dependants, actuaries, unions and other pension providers. This policy also covers how we communicate with this wider stakeholder group.

How we communicate

General communication

We will strive to ‘e’-enable much of our correspondence with our members but also use more traditional methods where members do not have access to technology. We will encourage electronic communications, for example, by e-mail and will aim to respond by email. We will ensure our website is keep up-to-date and signpost this to all our members whenever we communicate with them.

Our pension team is responsible for dealing with queries from our customers. Any phone calls or visitors are then passed to the relevant person within the section. The team can be contacted by emailing the HR Helpdesk at:


All our staff have received training on customer service and we ensure that members receive a professional and polite service when dealing with us.

We recognise that individuals may have specific needs in relation to the format of our information or the language in which it is provided. Demand for alternative formats/languages is not high enough to allow us to prepare alternative format/language material automatically.

The ‘Louder than Words’(LTW) charter mark is a best practice initiative run by Action on Hearing Loss (previously RNID) for organisations who want to provide excellent services and accessibility for Deaf, deafened and hard of hearing service users and employees.

The HR Service was successfully assessed against 10 standards linked to the following areas:

  • communicating well with customers and staff
  • having a safe and deaf-friendly environment
  • making it easy for people to contact and access the Council and HR Services

We achieved the charter mark in 2014, and were successfully re-accredited in 2015.  We will always be alert to ensure we meet our member’s needs, especially spending more time with those who find pensions complicated.

Active, Deferred and Pensioner Members

Our objectives with regard to communication with members are:

  • LGPS to be used as a tool in the attraction and retention of employees
  • all members better informed about  the benefits of the LGPS
  • as a result of improved communication, for queries and complaints to be reduced
  • to engage with and  inform all our stakeholders

Our objectives will be met by providing the following  general communications:

Method of Communication


Frequency of issue

Method of Distribution

Audience Group (Active, Deferred,

Pensioner or All)

Scheme booklet


At major scheme changes





Annually and after any scheme changes



Pension Fund Report and Accounts



On Website


Annual Benefit Statements

Paper based

By 31 August each year

Post to home address/via employers for active members. To home address for deferred members.

Active and Deferred.


On Website

Continually available


Active and deferred



Continually available

Continually available


Pre- Retirement Courses

Face to face

As and When Required

As and When Required

Employees considering retirement within next two years

Explanation of communications

On line Scheme Booklet - A booklet providing an overview of the LGPS, including who can join, how much it costs, the retirement and death benefits and how to increase the value of benefits.

Pension Fund Report and Accounts – Provides a review of the administration of the Pension Scheme and details of the investments of the Pension Fund at the end of the financial year. This report also includes the Pension Fund’s Statement of Accounts, Statement of Investment Principles, Funding Strategy Statement, Governance Compliance Statement and Communications Policy Statement. This is a detailed and lengthy document and is available to download from the Council’s website.

Annual Benefit Statements – For active members these include the current value of benefits.  The associated death benefits are also shown as well as details of any individuals the member has nominated to receive the lump sum death grant. In relation to deferred members, the benefit statement includes the current value of the deferred benefits as well as the associated death benefits.

Factsheets - These are topic specific leaflets

Website - provision of scheme specific information, forms that can be printed or downloaded, access to documents, links to related sites and contact information.

Pre-Retirement Courses - Planning for the  Future

A one day workshop providing an opportunity for employees who are considering retiring within the next two years to plan and reflect on the lifestyle choices they have. The aim is to raise awareness of financial issues and offer handy tips on planning for retirement.

Promotion of the scheme to prospective members and their Employing Authorities

Our communications objectives with prospective members are:

  • raising awareness of the LGPS
  • LGPS to be used as a tool in the attraction of employees

We will work in partnership with the employing authorities in the Fund to meet these objectives. We will do this by providing the following communications:

Method of Communication


Frequency of issue

Method of Distribution

Audience Group (Active, Deferred,

Pensioner or All)

Scheme booklet

On Website

On commencing employment

On Line

New employees

Explanation of communications

On line Scheme booklet - A booklet providing an overview of the LGPS, including who can join, how much it costs, the retirement and death benefits and how to increase the value of benefits.

Communicating with Employing Authorities

Our communications objectives with employers are to:

  • improve relationships
  • assist them in understanding costs/funding issues and understanding their obligations
  • work together to maintain accurate data
  • ensure smooth transfers of staff
  • ensure they understand the benefits of being an LGPS employer
  • assist them in making the most of the discretionary areas within the LGPS

Our objectives will be met by providing the following communications:

Method of Communication Media Frequency of issue Method of Distribution Audience Group
Pension Fund Report and Accounts Website Annually Electronically Main contact for all employers
Employer Communication Website / email As an when required, but at least annually Electronically Main contact for all employers
Meeting with Pensions Team Leader Face to face 6 Monthly Invitation sent by post or email Senior management involved in funding and HR issues.
Induction Meeting for New Employers Face to Face Within 2 Months of Signing the Admissions Agreement Invitation sent by Email Senior management involved in funding and HR issues.
Service Level Agreement Electronic Document Monitored Quarterly for any Breaches By Email Responsible Officers for Providing Pensions Information

Explanation of communications

Employer Communication - to consult on the Funding Strategy Statement.

Pension Fund Report and Accounts - Provides a review of the administration of the Pension Scheme and details of the investments of the Pension Fund at the end of the financial year. This report also includes the Pension Fund’s Statement of Accounts, Statement of Investment Principles, Funding Strategy Statement, Governance Compliance Statement and Communications Policy Statement. This is a detailed and lengthy document and is available to download from the Council’s website.

Induction Meeting - To take the new Employer through the Welcome Pack and ensure they are clear about roles and responsibilities.

Communication with senior managers

Our communications objectives with senior managers are to:

  • ensure they are fully aware of developments within the LGPS
  • ensure that they understand costs/funding issues
  • promote the benefits of the scheme as a recruitment/retention tool

Our objectives will be met by providing the following communications:

Method of Communication


Frequency of issue

Method of Distribution

Audience Group

Briefing papers that
highlight key issues or
developments relating to the LGPS and the Fund.


As and when required

Email or hard copy


Communication with union representatives

Our communication objectives with union representatives are to:

  • ensure they are aware of the Pension Fund’s policy in relation to any decisions that need to be taken concerning the scheme
  • engage in discussions over the future of the scheme
  • provide opportunities to educate union representatives on the provisions of the scheme

Our objectives will be met by providing the following communications:

Method of Communication Media Frequency of issue Method of Distribution Audience Group
JCC Meetings Face to face As Required - All

Communication with elected members/ the Pensions Investment Panel/ the Local Pensions Board

Our communications objectives with elected members/the Pensions Board are to :

  • ensure they are aware of their responsibilities in relation to the scheme
  • seek their approval to the development or amendment of discretionary policies, where required
  • seek their approval to formal responses to government consultation in relation to the administration of the scheme

Our objectives will be met by providing the following communications:

Method of Communication


Frequency of issue

Method of Distribution

Audience Group

Briefing papers


As and when required


Any members as appropriate

Scheme and investment updates/training sessions

Paper based and electronic

As an when required

Email, hardcopy report or presentation

All members of the Pensions Investment Panel

Investment Panel meetings




All members of the Pensions Investment Panel

Pension Board meetings




All members of the Pension Board

Annual  Review of Pension Fund Investment Panel




All members of the Pensions Investment Panel Cabinet, Local Pension Board

Explanation of communications

Briefing papers – a briefing that highlights key issues and developments to the LGPS and the Fund.

Scheme and investment updates/training sessions – providing a broad overview of the main provisions of the LGPS, and elected members responsibilities within it.

Investment Panel meetings – a formal meeting of elected members, attended by senior managers, at which Members review the performance of the Fund and its various Fund Managers. Members meet with the Fund Managers periodically and have the opportunity to discuss the Fund Managers’ investment decisions and strategy.

Pension Board Meetings

The Public Service Pensions Act 2013 and the Public Service Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 require Pension Boards to be established for the public service pension schemes.

These are initially the schemes for civil servants, armed forces, health service workers, teachers, judiciary, police, firefighters and local government workers. In due course it may also include some public body schemes.

The role of each Board is to help ensure each scheme complies with governance and administration requirements. They may have additional duties, if scheme or other regulations so specify.

Pension Boards need to have an equal number of employer representatives and member representatives. They may also have other types of members, such as independent experts. All pension board members have a duty to act in accordance with scheme regulations and other governing documents.

Scheme regulations (or scheme-specific guidance) may provide further detail on the scope

Pension Fund Report and Accounts – Provides a review of the administration of the Pension Scheme and  details of the investments of the Pension Fund at the end of the financial year. This report also includes the Pension Fund’s Statement of Accounts, Statement of Investment Principles, Funding Strategy Statement, Governance Compliance Statement and Communications Policy Statement. This is a detailed and lengthy document and is available to download from the Council’s website.

Communication with the Pensions Administration Team

Our communications objectives with the Pension Administration Team are to:

  • ensure they are aware of changes and proposed changes to the scheme
  • provide on the job training to new staff
  • develop improvements to services, and changes to processes as required
  • agree and monitor service standards

Our objectives will be met by providing the following communications:

Method of Communication


Frequency of issue

Method of Distribution

Audience Group

Provision of direct training sessions

Face to face

As and When required

By arrangement


Team meetings

Face to face

Minimum of 1 every 6 weeks

By arrangement


Attendance at seminars to enhance knowledge on more specific issues

Externally provided

As and when advertised and appropriate

By email, paper based


Policy on communication with tax payers

Our communications objectives with  the Redbridge Community are to:

  • provide access to key information in relation to the management of the scheme
  • outline the management of the scheme

Our objectives will be met by providing the following communications:

Method of Communication


Frequency of issue

Method of Distribution

Audience Group

Pension Fund Report and Accounts

Redbridgei and on Pension Fund website




Public Committee Papers


As and when available



Explanation of communications

Pension Fund Report and Accounts – Provides a review of the administration of the Pension Scheme and details of the investments of the Pension Fund at the end of the financial year. This report also includes the Pension Fund’s Statement of Accounts, Statement of Investment Principles, Funding Strategy Statement, Governance Compliance Statement and Communications Policy Statement. This is a detailed and lengthy document and is available to download from the Council’s website.

Committee Papers - a formal document setting out relevant issues in respect of the LGPS, in many cases seeking specific decisions or directions from elected members.

Communication with other stakeholders/interested parties

Our communications objectives with other stakeholders/interested parties are to:

  • meet our obligations under various legislative requirements
  • ensure the proper administration of the scheme
  • deal with the resolution of pension disputes
  • administer the AVC scheme

Our objectives will be met by providing the following communications:

Method of Communication


Frequency of issue

Method of Distribution

Audience Group

Pension Fund valuation reports

  • R&A certificates
  • Revised R&A certificates
  • Cessation valuations


Every three years

Via email

The Department for Communities and Local Government
Scheme Advisory Board/ Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC)/ all scheme

Details of new employers entered into the Fund

Hard copy

As new employers are entered into the Fund



Formal resolution of pension disputes

Hard copy or electronic

As and when a dispute requires resolution

Via email or post

member or their
the Pensions
Advisory Service/
the Pensions

Completion of questionnaires

Electronic or hard copy

As and when required

Via email or post


the Pensions Regulator

Explanation of communications

Pension Fund Valuation Reports – a report issued every three years by the Fund’s actuary setting out the estimated assets and liabilities of the Fund as a whole, as well as setting out individual employer contribution rates for a three year period commencing one year from the valuation date.

Details of new employers – a legal requirement to notify DCLG of the name and type of employer entered into the Fund (e.g. following the admission of third party service providers into the scheme)

Resolution of pension disputes – a formal notification of pension dispute resolution, together with any additional correspondence relating to the dispute.

Completion of questionnaires – various questionnaires that may be received, requesting specific information in relation to the structure of the LGPS or the makeup of the Fund.

of Performance and Measurement

To measure the success of our communications with active, deferred and pensioner members, we will monitor the following areas of performance.



Statutory delivery period

Target delivery period

New Member

Sending out confirmation that they have been admitted to the pension scheme


Within 20 working days of the end of the month the employee joined or the date of notification by the Employer, whichever is the later.

Active and Deferred members.

Annual Benefit Statements

By 31 August each year

Annually in accordance with legislation.

Active and deferred members retiring

Issue of retirement benefits

Within two months of retirement

Within 30 days of the member having retired from the scheme or notification by the Employer and receipt of the appropriate forms from the Member, whichever is the later.

Active and Deferred Members

Sending out a statutory notification following a change to pensionable status


Within 20 Working Days of the end of the month in which the change takes

effect or notification by the Employer, whichever is the


Reporting Performance Information

Details of our performance will be reported to our Human Resources Service Management Team and the Local Pensions Board regularly throughout the year.


Review Process

This Communication Policy will be reviewed to ensure it meets audience needs and regulatory requirements every two years. A current version of the Policy will always be available on our website.