Amount before 1st May 2025
Amount from 1st May 2025 with BCIS indexation
SAMMS contribution
Per Dwelling
SANGS contribution
Per Dwelling
Subtotal [SAMMs and SANGs]
Per Dwelling
Administration Monitoring Fee
(Minor developments only) per application
Administration Monitoring Fee
5% of the combined SAMMs and SANGs contribution
5% of the combined SAMMs and SANGs contribution
(Major developments only) per application
To be paid on commencement of development
*The administration monitoring fee will be £135 per application but for major developments where payments are secured via S106 agreements, it is 5% of the chargeable amount. This administration fee is added to the S106 Monitoring Fee to cover the cost of monitoring and reporting on delivery of that Section 106 obligation. The administration fee may be reviewed by the Council in the future.
Both tariffs are subject to annual indexation and increases following review. The webpage will be updated accordingly.
- 100% per additional home or gypsy/traveller pitch or caravan site plot
- 55.6% per additional co-living room/care home room/ co-living/ residential institution/non-self contained room (nil payment for nursing homes)
- 40% per additional student accommodation room
- 100% for Change of use from existing non-residential to C4 small HMOs up to and including 6 people and new C4 small HMOs up to and including 6 people
- 100% for Change of use to Sui generis large HMOs over 6 people and new Sui generis large HMOs over 6 people
- 16.7% per additional person over 6 for large HMOs*
*If changing from non- residential, subject to single rate tariff plus 16.7% per additional person over 6 for large HMOs.
*If changing from residential then subject only to 16.7% per additional person over 6.
*Enlargement of an existing sui generis large HMO will also be subject to this charge.
If your development is one of the types listed above and located within the zone of influence, a Habitat Regulation Assessment (HRA) form will be completed by the Local Planning Authority after validation.
Permitted Development Applications
Permitted development/ prior approval applications for change of use/conversions to residential use, are subject to Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) mitigation if they fall within the 6.2km Zone of Influence of Epping Forest.
There is separate legislation governing these permitted development applications and a distinct process for securing HRA mitigation.
Permitted development applications (such as change of use conversions to residential use), are only permitted in principle once the developer receives approval of the Local Planning Authority under Regulation 77 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017.
This means that for all permitted development/prior approval applications, the applicant must submit an application (pursuant to Regulation 75. To be acceptable and for the application to be approved, the prior approval application must include a completed Unilateral Undertaking agreement. Approval of the will application be granted under Regulation 77. See link to Unilateral Undertaking in the download list below.
There is a £30 fee for processing the application Notice by the Planning Service.
Retrospective Planning Applications
Retrospective applications do not need to provide a Habitats Regulations Assessment Unilateral Undertaking (UU) S106 Agreement at validation stage. However, Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) may be required during the planning assessment. HRA payments may be required before grant of planning permission or added as a non-dischargeable planning condition.
What do developers need to do?
All residential development:
- Check if your development proposal meets the qualifying dwelling types above
- Check if your development site is within the 6.2km Zone of Influence. Select “Planning and Land” then “Epping Forest SAC Zone of Influence” and search your postcode.
Minor developments only:
- Complete parts for "All residential development"
- Download the Template Unilateral Undertaking S106 agreement
- Calculate the SAMMs, SANGs and monitoring fee payments you will need to pay and fill out all the relevant sections of the Template Unilateral Undertaking S106 agreement.
- Optional: You may wish to instruct a solicitor to check the Unilateral Undertaking S106 agreement.
- Submit your draft Unilateral Undertaking S106 agreement to the Council for review during the planning application process.
- In exceptional circumstances, the developer and Council may negotiate and agree a final form of the Unilateral Undertaking (UU). You will be responsible for paying the Council’s legal costs in reviewing and negotiating the terms of the UU and will need to provide payment of their fees and adequate title information relating to the development site prior to completion of the UU.
Major developments only:
- Complete parts 1 and 2 for "All residential development"
- SANGs and SAMMs payments need to be included in your heads of terms of the Section 106 agreement. Hence, a separate Unilateral Undertaking is not required for major developments.