Local Plan

The Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 was formally adopted at Full Council on Thursday 15 March 2018. It replaces the suite of existing development plan documents comprising the Core Strategy and Borough Wide Primary Policies, Area Action Plans (AAP) for Ilford, the Crossrail Corridor and Gants Hill; as well as Development Sites with Housing Capacity and Development Opportunity Sites.

Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 (PDF 7.96MB)

Appendix 1: Opportunity Sites (PDF 7.92MB)

Policies Map (PDF 12.4MB)

Policies Map: Metropolitan and District Centres Inset (PDF 7.01MB)

Adoption Statement (PDF 285KB)

Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement (PDF 486KB)

Inspector's Report (PDF 392KB)

The Adopted Local Plan also includes the Minerals Local Plan (PDF 9.5MB)  and Joint East London Waste Plan (PDF 4.6MB).


Local Plan Archive

The Local Plan Archive includes details of consultations since 2016 and the Examination in Public, as well as the supporting documents that have been used to help produce the policies and site allocations within the Local Plan.


Emerging Evidence Base

Evidence base documents prepared since the adoption of the Local Plan are listed here:


Epping Forest SAC Charges

For Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation charges, please see the following dedicated webpage on Epping Forest SAC

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) was adopted in 2020 and is our guide to developers, planners, and the community on how we consult and engage with different stateholders during different stages in the planning process, including plan making and planning applications; and also includes information on neighbourhood planning and planning enforcement.

Statement of Community Involvement (December 2020) (PDF 5.9MB)

The Government has introduced a Housing Delivery Test (HDT) with the intention of holding local authorities to account for under-delivery of housing. This compares the housing delivery over a three-year period to the cumulative housing target over that period, as set out in the Housing Delivery Test Rule Book.

Housing Delivery Test Action Plan (July 2024) (PDF 1.2MB)

Housing Delivery Test Action Plan (May 2022) (PDF 1.5MB)

Housing Delivery Test Action Plan (July 2021) (PDF 266KB)

Housing Delivery Test Action Plan (August 2020) (PDF 980KB)

Housing Delivery Test Action Plan (January 2019) (PDF 4.5MB)

Implementation and monitoring

In the process of preparing documents for our development plan, we collect information and monitor the effectiveness of our policies. We publish the results in an Authority Monitoring Report (AMR), which shows key statistics and the progress of producing and implementing planning policy.

Authority Monitoring Report 2022-23 (PDF 7.2MB)

Authority Monitoring Report 2021-22 (PDF 7.3MB)

Authority Monitoring Report 2020-21 (PDF 7.2MB)

Authority Monitoring Report 2019-20 (PDF 1.8MB)

Authority Monitoring Report 2018-19 (PDF 568KB)

Authority Monitoring Report 2017-18 (PDF 474KB)

In March 2025 the Council updated its Local Development Scheme (PDF 550KB). This is a three year working plan that sets out the planning policy documents the council will produce, including a timetable for their preparation. It allows the community and stakeholders to find out about the council's future intentions for planning of the borough.

 In addition to Redbridge's local adopted documents, there are other national and governmental documents that provide over-arching guidance for the preparation of local plans and decisions on planning applications.

Document Name

Description of document

London Plan 2021

The London Plan is an overall strategic plan for London which sets out an economic, environmental, transport and social framework for the development of London to 2041.

As a London borough, development within Redbridge is also subject to the London Plan.

National Planning Policy Framework
(December 2023)

The National Planning Policy Framework provides over-arching guidance for the preparation of local plans and decisions on planning applications. On 20 December 2023 a revised Framework was published. This is accompanied by National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG).

The National Policy for Traveller Sites from 2012 was updated on 19 December 2023. The National planning policy for waste also applies.

In addition to our adopted documents, we have other supporting documents and guidance such as Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs), Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) and planning briefs which support our key policies.