In the process of preparing documents for our development plan, we collect information and monitor the effectiveness of our policies. We publish the results in an Authority Monitoring Report (AMR), which shows key statistics and the progress of producing and implementing planning policy.
Authority Monitoring Report 2022-23 (PDF 7.2MB)
Authority Monitoring Report 2021-22 (PDF 7.3MB)
Authority Monitoring Report 2020-21 (PDF 7.2MB)
Authority Monitoring Report 2019-20 (PDF 1.8MB)
Authority Monitoring Report 2018-19 (PDF 568KB)
Authority Monitoring Report 2017-18 (PDF 474KB)
In March 2025 the Council updated its Local Development Scheme (PDF 550KB). This is a three year working plan that sets out the planning policy documents the council will produce, including a timetable for their preparation. It allows the community and stakeholders to find out about the council's future intentions for planning of the borough.