Minerals and Waste
We are a Mineral planning authority and are responsible for managing the extraction and safeguarding of mineral resources.
The purpose of the Minerals Local Plan (PDF 9.53 MB), adopted September 2012, is to provide a framework for minerals extraction through site allocation and safeguarding of mineral resources. This will enable the borough to continue contributing to the supply of minerals to meet the anticipated needs of the London economy in a sustainable manner. It will be used alongside other planning policies when considering minerals development and/or development on minerals safeguarded sites.
In Redbridge aggregates are the only mineral presently being worked. We work with the London Aggregates Working Party to monitor the supply and demand for aggregates, rocks and building material to be used in construction.
We are a partner of the East London Waste Authority, a Statutory Waste Disposal Authority which is responsible for the disposal of waste from the London Boroughs of Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Newham and Redbridge. Household waste is collected by the individual boroughs.
The Joint Waste Development Plan Document (PDF 4.60 MB), adopted February 2012, sets a strategic framework to manage waste across the London Boroughs of Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Newham and Redbridge between 2011 and 2021, including the identification and safeguarding of waste disposal facilities. It will be used alongside other planning policies when considering the development of waste sites.
Evidence Base for the East London Joint Waste Plan
The East London Waste Authority boroughs of Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Newham and Redbridge produced a new evidence base in 2021, which was updated in 2022. The purpose of this study is to provide an up to date evidence base, upon which a new East London Waste Plan (ELWP) can be prepared. This waste evidence base sets out the key information and data on waste issues in East London and makes recommendations on the most appropriate approach to planning for each of the relevant waste streams, to be taken forward in a new East London Waste Plan.
You can access the the Evidence Base for the East London Joint Waste Plan via the following links:
Evidence Base for the East London Joint Waste Plan (PDF 2,556KB)
Appendix 5 for Evidence Base for the East London Joint Waste Plan (PDF 8,955KB)
Appendix 6 for Evidence Base for the East London Joint Waste Plan (PDF 159KB)
East London Joint Waste Plan review
The London Boroughs of Barking and Dagenham, Havering, Newham, and Redbridge are working collaboratively to produce a new East London Joint Waste Plan (ELJWP).
It is a statutory requirement to produce an up-to-date waste plan. As stated above the current East London Joint Waste Plan was adopted in 2012, and set out a planning strategy for waste until 2021. The emerging East London Joint Waste Plan will replace the out-of-date 2012 East London Joint Waste Plan.
The draft East London Joint Waste Plan will set out the planning strategy for waste management in East London until 2041.
A consultation on the first draft of the East London Joint Waste Plan (known formally as the Regulation 18 draft plan) runs from Monday 29 July to 11:59pm on Monday 16 September 2024.
There are multiple ways you can get involved in the consultation. To see the consultation documents and find out more about ways to get involved in the consultation please visit the dedicated consultation webpage set up by the East London boroughs. The page will include the most up-to-date information about the progression of the waste plan, including consultations and events.
You can access a hard copy draft of the East London Joint Waste Plan document at the Town Hall, Ilford, from 29 July.
There are two consultation events arranged in Redbridge as follows:
- Redbridge Central Library (Studio 2), Clements Road, Ilford, IG1 1EA, 5 August, 4-6pm
- Keith Axon Community Centre, Grove Road, Chadwell Heath, Redbridge RM6 4XB, 10 September, 4-6pm