Current Consultations

Redbridge Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) Funding Programme.

We are launching a new Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) funding programme.

NCIL is a portion of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) awarded to local people to initiate and support community-led projects.

Cast your vote for priority projects

Please cast your vote by ranking your top 6 priorities from the themes below. The themes which attract the most votes will be prioritised for funding. To vote, please log in to the Let’s Talk Redbridge platform at:

This can be completed between 22 May and 3 July 2024. You must register on the Let's Talk Redbridge platform in order to vote.

  • Greening the Borough – projects which support greening, such as public garden and open space improvements, establishing a new community garden or landscaping initiatives and interventions.
  • Sustainable Transport – projects which promote active travel, i.e. walking and cycling.
  • Environmental Sustainability – projects which tackle the impacts of climate change.
  • Community Safety – projects which safeguard against crime and improve community safety on our streets.
  • Health and Wellbeing – projects which promote health, wellbeing and fitness for all ages and abilities.
  • Arts and Culture – projects which strengthen our arts and cultural offer and make it accessible to all.
  • Affordable Housing – projects which provide affordable homes.
  • Education Training and Employment – projects providing access to higher education, apprenticeships, support into work and career pathways.
  • Cost of living – projects which provide financial support or help to reduce household costs.
  • Empowering young people – projects which encourage youth representation, provide mentoring, and help young people to explore their interests and potential.

What happens next?

Once all the votes have been counted, the results will be announced via the Let’s Talk Redbridge platform on 15 July 2024. We will then invite applications for funding. A full timetable for the funding round will be shared shortly.

What funding will be available and how do I apply?

Provided that you meet the application criteria, you can apply for up to £20,000 towards your project. This can be used to support existing projects or to fund new initiatives.  

To obtain a funding award, project proposals must meet the council’s project assessment criteria and align with the top funding priorities, as voted for by the community. Valid applications will be considered by the Funding Panel, who will make the final decision on whether to fund the project. 

You need to be part of a constituted group to apply – this might include voluntary groups and resident’s associations. You may apply as an individual via a constituted group, provided that you have the support of the group to do so. Organisations applying for funding must be located within the borough, and the projects must benefit Redbridge residents.

summary of the process for applying for NCIL funding, with the assessment criteria and a list of groups that are eligible to apply can be accessed via the following link:

Summary of application process for NCIL funding (PDF 487KB)

Full information on the application process and the application form will be available prior to the funding round opening.

You can also access a simple but informative leaflet by clicking on the link below:

NCIL Leaflet (PDF 461KB)

Please consult the LTR page for further updates. Should you wish to be added to our database, please send your contact details to 

We look forward to hearing from you.


Closed Consultations

The following consultation has now ended:

Wanstead Grove Conservation Area appraisal and management plan (CAAMP) consultation

Redbridge Council recently consulted on the Wanstead Grove Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (CAAMP) consultation draft.

Public consultation

A 12-week consultation period for the draft Wanstead Gove Conservation  Area Appraisal and Management Plan ran between 22 January and 15 April 2024.

A public meeting was held between on 7 February 2024 at the  at Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall Road, Wanstead E11 2RQ.

A report regarding the public consultation is being drafted and will go to a Cabinet meeting scheduled for 12 September 2024.