Section 106 Planning Obligations

Section 106 Planning Obligations

Section 106 Planning Obligations

Planning Obligations are legal obligations agreed between local authorities, developers and landowners via a legal binding document called Section 106 agreements (also known as “Section 106” and “S106”) to make the development proposal acceptable in planning terms that would not otherwise be acceptable.

Section 106 Agreement Template

We have a standardised template for Section 106 Agreements; this should be used in conjunction with the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document and relevant policies.

Model Section 106 Agreement (PDF 780 KB)

Model Section 106 Agreement (.docx 2.5 MB)

Search for Section 106 Agreement

We are currently uploading the corresponding S106 agreement to the specific planning application webpage. The exercise is undergoing, you can view the available S106 agreements by carrying out a search by site address or planning application number on our Planning Application Search.

If the S106 agreement you are looking for is not available in the planning application webpage, please submit a Freedom of Information Request Form. We will provide the information to you by request.

For the detailed guidance on the use of Section 106 Planning Obligations, please refer to our Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document.