Other types of advice
The information below relates to advice for other areas of planning - including non-material amendments, conditions and telecommunications developments.
Please note we may make pre-application details available once an application for the works has been submitted.
Please note our fees are increasing from 1 April 2025.
Pre-application enquiry service
Our advice categories are detailed in full in the table below. It is the responsibility of the enquirer to request the correct category of advice.
All pre-application advice requests must be submitted online. You will need to have a Redbridge account to submit online. Please include a site location plan identifying the site/land in question.
It is recommended to have plans for your proposed development, and to include these with your advice request.
For categories where the meeting is optional please state clearly in your submission if you require this.
Payment can be made online at time of submission for non-material amendment, telecommunication and discharge of condition householder categories. If you do not wish to pay on submission, or are applying for an option not listed above, then you can submit and pay after - we will contact you following submission with instructions on how to pay using our automated phone line (we aim to contact you within two working days). If you do not pay on submission then please do not attempt to make payment before we have contacted you as this will likely cause a delay in processing your request.
All quoted fees are inclusive of VAT.
Category | Definition | Service Offer | Advice | Meeting | Fee from 1 April 2025 |
S96a (non-material amendment) | Any grant of planning permission | An optional meeting with a planning officer and written response within 20 working days of meeting (or receipt of payment if no meeting). |
+£235 |
£445+£240 |
S73 (variation/removal of condition) | Any grant of planning permission | An optional meeting with a planning officer and written response within 20 working days of meeting (or receipt of payment if no meeting). | Half of the current, equivalent pre-application fee for original development (capped at minimum of £450) | +Half of the current, equivalent pre-application fee for original development (capped at minimum of £235) | Cap increase to £465 and £240 |
Discharge of condition - householder | Any grant of householder planning permission | An optional meeting with a planning officer and written response within 20 working days of meeting (or receipt of payment if no meeting). |
£300 |
+£165 |
£310+£170 |
Discharge of condition - minor | Any grant of planning permission for 1-9 new residential units, change of use or other development where gross floor space is up to 999sqm | An optional meeting with a planning officer and written response within 20 working days of meeting (or receipt of payment if no meeting). |
£453 per condition (capped at the fee that would be charged for a pre-app for the whole development submitted at the same time) |
+£235 per condition (capped at the fee that would be charged for a pre-app for the whole development submitted at the same time) |
£470+£240 |
Discharge of condition - major | Any grant of planning permission for a major development | A meeting with a planning officer and other relevant specialist officers* and written response within 20 working days of meeting. |
£1,300 per condition (capped at the fee that would be charged for a pre-app for the whole development submitted at the same time) |
Includes meeting |
£1,350 |
Telecommunications development |
A single mast and associated equipment. |
An optional meeting with a planning officer and written response within 20 working days of meeting (or receipt of payment if no meeting). |
£430 |
+£235 |
£445+£240 |
Once your request is allocated to a planning officer the fee becomes non-refundable.
*Please note additional fees may be chargeable to include specific officers/consultees in pre-application discussions.
Additional information
For these developments you should consider a PPA. The main aim of a PPA is to do as much as possible before submitting your planning application, so that the application proposal is of high quality. There are substantial benefits to this process including setting a realistic timetable with key milestones to be met, more efficient use of resources by both the developer and the Planning department, and ensuing engagement is transparent and productive.
If a PPA is entered into, members of the Council will be openly and appropriately engaged with the development while ensuring that their decision making function is not compromised. Where appropriate a PPA scheme may be presented at the Council’s Design Review Panel.