Types of planning application

Householder planning permission is for householder works (extensions, loft conversions, outbuildings etc) that exceed the permitted development criteria. This is only applicable for applications relating to single dwelling houses. Applications relating to two or more dwelling houses require full planning permission.

Works to flats or a non-residential site (such as a shop) also require full planning permission.


Full planning permission is for a variety of proposals – primarily works to flats and non-residential sites (such as a shop), as well as the creation of new residential units and changes of use.


You can apply for a certificate for confirmation your works do not require planning permission and come under permitted development.

There are two types of certificate:


  • if you haven't yet started work, or have started but the works are not substantially complete, and seek confirmation that building works or a change of use do not require planning permission


  • to confirm the lawful use of a site
  • to confirm building works or a change of use which have been carried out are lawful
  • whether activities or work is in breach of a planning condition


In most circumstances planning permission is granted subject to conditions; these will be detailed in full on your decision notice.

Sometimes it is necessary to submit details for us to approve in order to discharge the condition at a point during the development, such as before works begin. Whether this is required will be explained in each condition on the decision notice.

Failure to meet with a condition could result in planning permission being void and in some cases we will consider the suitability of taking enforcement action.


Sometimes an approved application needs to be amended. It can only be considered as a non-material amendment to the original application so long as it does not significantly vary from the original application.


This application can be made to vary the terms of a condition attached to a planning consent, or to remove the condition entirely. We will consider why the condition was originally applied and whether there have been any changes in circumstances which may allow that condition to be varied or removed.


Applications for outline planning permission look to establish whether the scale and nature of a proposed development would be acceptable.

Once outline permission has been granted you may then need to apply to have the details of the scheme approved (these are called "reserved matters" and are access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale).


Reserved matters applications always 'follow up' on an outline application and include the outstanding matters not covered in the outline permission.

These details fall into five categories:

  • siting
  • design
  • external appearance
  • means of access
  • landscaping


You will need to apply for listed building consent if you are undertaking works to a statutory listed building (Grade I, II or II*).

Information on statutory listed buildings is held by Historic England

Carrying out unauthorised works to a listed building is a criminal offence - we strongly advise seeking pre-application advice before starting any work.

You will likely need to apply using a combined full planning and listed building consent application form if you are making external changes to the listed building. Internal changes likely require a listed building consent application only.


This application is required to display advertisements in line with advertisement regulations.

Please apply using a combined full planning and advertisement consent form if you are also constructing what the advertisement will be mounted on.


This application is for a larger home single storey rear extension under prior approval. You cannot apply for any other works under this application type.

You cannot apply for this application if your site is within a conservation area; is subject to an Article 4 direction; if the site is flats; or is subject to restrictive planning conditions. You can find further information on larger household extensions on the Planning Portal.

One of the conditions for this type of submission is that you are required to notify us in writing that you have finished your extension as soon as possible once you have completed works. You can do this by submitting a contact us form.

Some changes of use and other developments can be carried out under prior approval. If your proposal does not fall under the prior approval criteria you will need to apply under full planning permission.


Protected trees (subject to a TPO or in a conservation area) require permission to be trimmed, cut or felled.

It is a criminal offence to undertake works to a protected tree without permission from the local authority.


Planning obligations are legal obligations entered into to mitigate the impacts of a development proposal. 

This can be via a planning agreement entered into under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 or via a unilateral undertaking entered into by a person with an interest in the land.

Planning obligations run with the land, are legally binding and enforceable. A unilateral undertaking cannot bind the local planning authority because they are not party to it.

Planning obligations are also commonly referred to as ‘section 106’, ‘s106’, as well as ‘developer contributions’ when considered alongside highways contributions and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

For all enquiries please contact us at Planning.Obligations@redbridge.gov.uk