Our fees and charges are changing from the 1 April 2025. Please refer to the proposed fees and charges section for more information
What is Street Naming and Numbering?
The Street Naming and Numbering (SNN) department of the London Borough of Redbridge has sole responsibility for the addressing, naming or numbering of new or existing streets, buildings and dwellings within Redbridge. This function, and the requirement to maintain a register of addresses, is carried out under the London Building Acts (Amendment) Act 1939.
If there has been a new development, redevelopment, conversion or subdivision and this has changed the number of units for residential, retail, industrial or leisure purposes, or how properties are accessed (either by creating a new road, new access points or through reconfiguration), these will need to be given their own official postal address.
If you want to change the name/number of an existing property you must also make an application to us.
For more information and requirements please carefully read the Street Naming and Numbering Guidelines (PDF 4.2MB)
Suggesting proposed addressing/names
We are happy for developers and residents to make their own name suggestions. Amongst other requirements, you cannot choose a name already in use in the borough, so we recommend you submit at least two suggestions in your application.
We will then consult with the Emergency Services on the suggestions provided, this can take several weeks, and suggestions may not be approved.
Try to choose an address that is:
- unique
- unambiguous
- not difficult to pronounce, offensive or awkward to spell
- cannot be construed as advertising
- has a connection with the local area
Please contact us as early as possible to discuss your application, preferably before building works start and before a development name has been marketed and/or publicised to avoid any future issues.
How to apply
For us to process your application we need you to:
- Complete the Street Naming and Numbering application form
- Provide supporting information that will assist us to identify the units, their location and their extent e.g. floor plans and site location plan
- Pay the correct fee (once the application has been logged, you will be contacted for payment by debit/credit card over the telephone)
- If you are creating 10 or more residential units, please provide an accommodation schedule which includes plot numbers
- If you are the leaseholder, please supply consent from the freeholder that you have authorisation to change/re-address the property.
We aim to acknowledge your application within 10 days, but we will be in contact if we need any extra information.
If we have everything we need, we will then carry out consultations with the Emergency Services, Royal Mail and internal departments.
Once completed we will:
- Allocate official addressing to the development and enter the addresses into the Council’s address database (Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG))
- Notify you of the official addresses and provide a copy of the assigning order
- Inform Royal Mail, Emergency Services and relevant internal/external bodies
From the 1 April 2025 our fees and charges are changing. Details of the current and new fees and charges are as follows:
Function |
Current fee |
New fee (from 1 April 2025) |
New street/road/footpath name |
£737 each |
£762 each |
Building/Block name (e.g. Redbridge House) |
£422.40 each |
£437 each |
First/One new dwelling house
Additional dwelling houses 2-49
Additional dwelling houses 50-100
Additional dwelling houses 101+
£201.30 each
£133.10 each
£94.60 each
£31.90 each
£208 each
£137 each
£97 each
£33 each
House name (addition of a house name to a residential dwelling)
£145.20 each
£150 each
New non-residential unit or flat, office, other units within a building (i.e. flats/rooms/offices) 1-10
Additional flats/offices/non-residential/other units within a building 11-49
Additional flats/offices/non-residential/other units within a building 50+
£145.20 each
£62.70 each
£31.90 each
£150 each
£64 each
£33 each
Regularise/re-number an existing property
£100 |
No change |
Providing written confirmation of current/historical addressing information (each address)
£37.40 |
£38 |
In the unlikely event of the necessity of renaming and/or re-numbering
an existing road/property we reserve the right to charge for the costs/time
incurred carrying out statutory consultation and issuing new addresses/streets
Cost will be calculated
on a case by case basis
No change
Example 1
If an existing addressed property (1 Redbridge Street) is converted into three flats this would be three new addressable units ( 3 x £145.20 = £435.60):
- Flat 1, 1 Redbridge Street
- Flat 2, 1 Redbridge Street
- Flat 3, 1 Redbridge Street
Example 2
If a new building is built that contains three separate units this would be three new units ( 3 x £142.20 = £435.60) and introducing a new building/block name (1 x £422.40) which would total £858.00.
One new building name and three new addressable units within the building:
- Flat 1, Redbridge House
- Flat 2, Redbridge House
- Flat 3, Redbridge House
Example 3
A new dwelling is built for single occupation. This would be £201.30 for one new dwelling house:
Example 4
Redevelopment of a site that includes a new road (1 x £737.00), five new dwelling houses (1 x £201.30 and 4 x £133.10 which totals £733.70), a new building/block with a name (1 x £422.40 with 4 new units within the building (4 x £145.20 totalling £580.80)):
- New Redbridge Street
- 1 - 5, New Redbridge Street
- Flat 1 - 4, Redbridge House
The total cost for this redevelopment would be £2,473.90
What is the LLPG and LSG?
The LLPG is a corporate address database which includes information on land and property and holds all official addresses and any alternate address information. This is known as the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG) and is the register and definitive source of address information within the Council.
The LSG is the council’s corporate street database which includes all official streets, paths and footpaths, as well as any informal or unofficially named in the borough. This combined with Highways Associated Street Data (ASD) information, forms the comprehensive register of borough streets.
You can access this information by using the following services
At the heart of these datasets are unique reference numbers; Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) and Unique Street Reference Number (USRN), which are given to every property, street and parcel of land. For more information you can visit the Government's Property and Street Information webpage
How is this address and street data used?
All local authorities in England and Wales are obliged to maintain an LLPG and LSG for their area and submit information from it to a central repository governed by GeoPlace.
We are continually updating the LLPG and LSG to ensure its accurate and supply daily updates to GeoPlace as part of the DCA Agreement. GeoPlace combine this information with other national data sources to produce the National Land and Property Gazetteer and National Street Gazetteer infrastructure
This data is then used by Ordnance Survey, combined with additional information, to form the AddressBase® range of products. These products are used by important services such as police and ambulance to locate properties in an emergency, but also by delivery companies, online service providers and other companies to provide online address services.
Whilst we want to avoid any disputes, if we discover improper addressing or unofficial addressing which could cause problems in matters of emergency, we have powers to enforce addressing or to take corrective measures.
Failure to undertake the following could lead to enforcement action being taken or fines issued:
- Failure to put appropriate signage up
- Erecting incorrect signage
- Defacing or pulling down signage
How to tell us when works are complete
When the development or building works are complete and the building is ready for occupation you can email us at SNN@redbridge.gov.uk to let us know.
We will then notify Royal Mail who will make the address "live" in their PAF® database. Only a local authority can instruct Royal Mail to do this so please ensure you let us know.
We will then ensure the addresses are live in our address database so you can use Council services as well as other external services such as utilities and delivery services.
Contact details
Email: SNN@Redbridge.gov.uk
Email: LLPG@Redbridge.gov.uk
Phone: 020 8708 2913
Address: Street Naming and Numbering, Lynton House - 5th Floor Front, 255-259 High Road, Ilford, IG1 1NY