Levelling Up bid

'Ilford Gateway to Opportunity’ project

Redbridge Council has submitted a bid to the Government’s Levelling Up Fund for £20 million to transform the western gyratory and deliver Ilford Garden Junction.

This investment will increase pride in the town centre by maximising the potential of the public realm to benefit from the Elizabeth Line, turning our busy roads into streets and places suitable for walking and cycling.

The project would also significantly improve connections into Ilford town centre giving greater priority to public transport and active travel.  All this would drive new footfall into Ilford town centre generating economic benefit for existing and new businesses, whilst better accommodating growth.

The council has engaged widely with key stakeholders, including business communities, MPs, the Mayor of London, and neighbouring boroughs, to gather support for the bid.

What is the Levelling Up Fund?

The Levelling Up Fund will invest in local infrastructure that has a visible impact on people and their communities. This includes a range of high value local investment priorities, including local transport schemes, urban regeneration projects and cultural assets. The fund will be used for bids that will enable communities to receive the investment and support they need to recover from the pandemic. The UK Government has committed an initial £4 billion for the Levelling Up Fund for England, and this will be delivered through Local Authorities over the next four years (up to 2024-25). 

What is the proposed scheme?

 Ilford Gateway to Opportunity would have a range of impacts, including: 

  • Improved public realm, including public square facilitating community cohesion 
  • Substantial improvements to pedestrian comfort levels (currently below acceptable standards in a variety of locations) 
  • Segregated cycle lanes connecting to strategic cycle network routes 
  • Substantial greening, improving air quality in Ilford and improve connections to the Roding Valley,  Wanstead Park and Wanstead Flats, beyond Ilford.
  • Improved bus journey times and better bus connections with Elizabeth Line 
  • New and improved Bus Driver Welfare facilities 
  • Improved setting for a Grade II Listed Chapel 

When will the decision be made?

The Government are expected to announce its decision as part of the Chancellor’s autumn budget statement. This usually takes place in October/November 2022.