Love Clean Streets app

Want to report an issue on Redbridge streets?

Use our new Love Clean Streets app to help us keep Redbridge streets clean and safe.

The Love Clean Streets app is the fastest way to report graffiti, fly-tipping, potholes, abandoned cars, dog mess, and other issues on the street using your mobile phone.

It’s simple and free to use and your problem can be logged in seconds.


Download the app

Download the app for free from the following app stores:

Google Play Store

Apple iTunes Store


How to report?

Reporting an issue is simple.  

Select 'Redbridge' as the home local authority.

  • Set the location
  • Take a photo
  • Pick the category
  • Submit the report

Your report will automatically get sent to the related team at Redbridge Council to deal with.

You will even be able to track our progress and will be notified as soon as we resolve the issue.