Road Safety

Redbridge Council is working to raise awareness of road safety issues and encourage residents to use safer and sustainable modes of transport.

Cycle training

Redbridge Council is encouraging more residents to cycle whether it's to work, school, the shops, or as part of a fun family outing. If you live, work or study in the Borough you can take advantage of our free cycle training to help keep you safe when cycling on the roads.

For more information, please visit our cycle training and events page

Redbridge Council are working with the Metropolitan Police Service, Safer Transport Team to support and deliver speed awareness programmes for our local communities and schools.  The schemes, run in partnership with Transport for London and City of London Police aim to improve road safety by reducing speed on our roads, and build public confidence in their efforts to achieve this.

Through these initiatives we hope to reduce road danger and work towards the London Mayors Vision Zero Targets

The London Road Safety Council states 'research indicates that driving or riding too fast for the conditions, regardless of the particular speed limit, is a major contributory factor in more than 1,000 deaths and 40,000 injuries on the road each year…These casualty figures associated with speeding are enormous and largely preventable.’

Community Road Watch

The aim of Community Road Watch is to reduce vehicle speeds on residential roads.  The scheme involves and empowers resident volunteers to make a difference with support provided by the Barkingside MET Police, Safer Transport Team. It is focussed on education and engagement and not enforcement.

2024 saw over 50 events delivered  with over 1,500 awareness letters being sent to speeding drivers. all events were supported by local community volunteers.

At a preselected location resident volunteers use hand-held speed guns alongside members of the MET police to identify vehicles exceeding the speed limit.  Speeding vehicles are not stopped or signalled to slow down on the day but following relevant checks the registered vehicle owner will receive a warning letter a few days later about the speeding incident. This aims to raise driver awareness of the issues of speeding; however in the event of repeat speeding offences targeted enforcement will be pursued.

This scheme is regularly operated on roads across Redbridge, and new locations considered on an ongoing basis, based on local concern, reported incidents and collision hot spots.

If you are interested in becoming a Community Road Watch volunteer, or have a street of concern you want to include in this initiative, please contact and visit the Transport for London website or Met Police website 

Junior Road Watch

Introduced to Redbridge in 2019 the aim of this scheme is to reduce vehicle speeds on residential roads, with the main focus being roads near to our primary schools; making the street a safer place for children and families.

The scheme is a partnership event run by the MET Police Safer Transport Team, local schoolteachers and pupils, and borough officer support.  It is an education and engagement tool to raise awareness amongst drivers of the negative impacts of speeding; empowering school children to take action.  A key difference to Community Road watch is this scheme stops speeding drivers and has the option to issue an enforcement notice on the day.

During the event, speeding motorists are identified by trained MET police officers using hand held speed guns and then stopped at the road side. Depending on the recorded speed and following relevant background checks drivers are given the choice of an enforcement option or receiving an educational road safety message delivered by children from the school. (Note: the police can make the decision to enforce on the spot).

Since its introduction in Redbridge the majority of drivers stopped have opted to receive the educational road safety message and questioning by participating children, stating this element of the scheme had more impact on them than being stopped by the police.  Of those drivers stopped 92% stated the scheme had raised their awareness of speeding issues.

Schools wishing to be considered for future Junior Road Watch events should contact

2 Wheels London

Redbridge Council have partnered with 2 Wheels London as part of our commitment to reducing the number of collisions involving vulnerable road users, focusing on riders of powered two wheelers.

We are keen to engage with employers, educators and organisations within Redbridge to offer employers, employees and students the opportunity to participate and help reduce road danger and risk for motorcyclists travelling in the borough, by using the resources on offer.

Riders should check out the information for riders section for some great tips to keep you riding safe in London.

If you are an employer sign up to be a supporter where you will receive a toolkit to help promote awareness and encourage safer riding amongst employees in your organisation. You’ll also receive a monthly bulletin.


Another useful guide is the is Good Egg Safety Guide for Motorcycle Riders

Biker Down! - free safety training for bikers

Biker Down! is a free nationwide scheme that was devised to provide the tools to help bikers if they're involved in a crash. The scheme is a partnership between the London Fire Brigade, London Ambulance Service, Transport for London and the Metropolitan Police.

The course lasts roughly three hours and is split into three modules:

  1. How to manage the scene if you come across a collision
  2. Immediate Emergency Aid
  3. Collision prevention and the science of being seen

Sessions take place at Dagenham fire station, 70 Rainham Road North. To find out more information, and to book a place, visit the Biker Down! webpage

TfL motorcycling in London

Motorcyclists can find out more about how to stay safe on London's roads by visiting the TfL website, where you can find more information on training courses on offer, insurance discounts and motorcycle parking.

There are two free online guides courtesy of  Good Egg Safety that you can view online. 

Child car seat safety

Many young children and babies are at risk due to incorrectly fitted car seats. For more information on buying and how to correctly fit your child's car seat, you can visit the RoSPA website, which offers advice on the main types of child car seats: rear facing seats, front facing seats, booster seats and high-backed booster seats. 

New drivers

The next steps after passing your driving test can seem daunting.  RoSPA provide some useful road safety advice on many aspects of driving.  The Good Egg guide also provides advice on buying your first car, insurance, and how to be a safe driver. Visit the new drivers information page.

Online videos

Developed by the Environmental Transport Association (ETA) and narrated by the BBC News world affairs editor John Simpson, the short film, titled ‘Stop Killing our Children’, examines how road safety is an issue for all road users, whatever age and mode of travel. 

As part of a powerful advertising campaign developed by Transport for London in late 2019,  ‘Watch Your Speed’ is a short video which illustrates how speeding is perceived through the perspective of friends and family members. 

Driving safely around horses

The British Horse Society has some great advice for motorists to raise awareness of the safety issues horse riders face on Britain’s roads. 

The four messages to motorists are:

  • Slow down to a maximum of 10mph
  • Be patient, I won't sound my horn or rev my engine
  • Pass the horse wide and slow- at least two metres
  • Drive slowly away

E-Scooters in Redbridge

The use of electric powered scooters in Redbridge is on the increase, however many residents may not be aware they could be breaking the law. The Met police have produced a leaflet to outline what action could be taken if you are caught riding on the public highway, or in a public place. They will also be running a series of pop up operations across the borough to reduce the illegal use of e-scooters across the borough. 

Currently the only legal way to use an e-scooter on a public road or in a public place will be through one of the Department for Transports ‘Electric scooter Rental trials’. Redbridge is not currently participating in these trials, although other London boroughs are.  You can find out more about these London trials on TfLs webpage

Contact us 

Report an issue, such as potholes or uneven paving

Report a road traffic incident 

Information on traffic calming measures