Dropped kerbs (footway crossings)

A dropped kerb or footway crossing is when the pavement in front of your property is lowered so that you can drive over the pavement onto your driveway or front garden.

We have created an application guidance pack which contains all the information you need before you apply. Make sure to read it as it will most likely answer the questions about requirements and what you need to do before you apply.

We have also created a flowchart so you can see the process we follow to get your dropped kerb completed. You should familiarise yourself with the footway crossing policy, which  starts from 1 April 2023 for any new applicants.

The team have also created a template design. You can give this to your builder who is doing work to your front drive to ensure they comply with our policy requirements. Please see Section 5 of the policy, section 2.5 of the guidance pack or "what does my front drive need to have?" section below to find out the conditions your front drive needs to adhere to before we construct your crossing. 

Dropped kerb application check list

We can create a dropped kerb in front of your home if your property meets the right criteria, for example, you may need planning permission. Before you apply for a dropped kerb, you will need to check:

You will need planning permission before you can apply for a dropped kerb if you live on a classified road.

Check if you live on a classified road

You will need planning permission before you can apply for a dropped kerb if you live in a conservation area and want to undertake works to your frontage such as paving the front garden or removing a wall. If you do not need to do this and want a footway crossing please contact highways.footwaycrossing@redbridge.gov.uk as the system may stop you from proceeding even though you may not need planning permission.

Check if you live in a conservation area

Red routes are roads that are part of Transport for London’s (TfL) road network. These roads are controlled by TfL and usually have red lines running along the road.

If you live on a red route, you will need TfL’s agreement for the dropped kerb and planning permission from Redbridge. You should get advice from TfL that a dropped kerb is possible before applying for planning permission.

For more information about red routes, visit the TfL webpage or call TfL on 0343 222 1234

If you live on a classified road, in a conservation area or your road is a TfL red route, then you will need to make a planning permission application before you can apply for a dropped kerb.

Apply for planning permission

If your application is approved, you will need a suitable vehicle opening onto your property so vehicles can drive on to the driveway. 

We do not adapt your driveway or front garden - we only lower the kerb to create the dropped kerb.

If you do not have a suitable vehicle opening, you will need to arrange for an opening to be created on your front garden or drive. We cannot start work to create the dropped kerb until there is a clear opening on to the drive way.

Your vehicle must not overhang the pavement or public footway when it is parked in the driveway. Refer to section 4 of our policy for footway crossings for more information. 

Please refer to Section 5.10 of our policy. Surface water must not drain into the public highway. The parking area must be made with materials that water can permeate through and divert water to drain into the ground. Applications must comply with the criteria set out below. Please note that the parking area construction must be completed complying with the below criteria before construction of the footway crossing will commence.

  • Where possible the Parking Area should ideally be constructed with a fall back towards the property, draining to a soakaway.
  • A drainage channel must always be provided across the entire width of the threshold and also must drain to a soakaway regardless of the fall of the Parking Area.
  • The parking area must be constructed of a permeable (or porous) surfacing such as permeable block paving or porous asphalt including a permeable base.
  • The construction of any Parking Area shall be such that no loose material will be able to migrate onto the public highway, and therefore no loose material such as shingle, gravel or pebbles will be permitted to be used as a surfacing material for a Parking Area.

Please note, the footway crossing will not be constructed until a suitable and approved parking area is in place.

Example drawing of acceptable construction front drive

As we have a commitment to preserve street trees, we will refuse your application if a mature tree needs to be removed. We can remove trees younger than 2 years of age. You will need to pay for the removal of any trees, shrubs or verges if your application is accepted. Refer to Sections 2 and 3 of our policy for footway crossings for more information.

We can move a street light or other street furniture to create your dropped kerb if there is another site to move it to. You will need to pay for the relocation of the street light or street furniture. 

If you live in a flat or maisonette, you will need a letter from the freeholder to confirm they approve of a dropped kerb being created.

You have the right to review online regarding your decision.


How much will it cost?

We will send you a quotation of the cost of creating the dropped kerb. Here is a breakdown of additional costs.

Application and inspection fee (non-refundable)


Legal agreement


(If required) Revising your quotation


Relocate street lamp or street furniture

Based on quote

Removal of tree

Based on quote

What happens after I have applied for a dropped kerb?

  • We will arrange for an inspection of your driveway to be checked for suitability
  • If we approve your application, we will calculate the estimated cost and will send you a quotation for creating the dropped kerb
  • We will also send you the legal agreement, where you agree that your vehicle will not overhang on the footway. You will need to pay £363 for the legal agreement. If you break the agreement, your application may be cancelled and you will be charged for any costs to reinstate the footway
  • We will arrange for the dropped kerb to be created with our contractor when we receive your payment and signed legal agreement. 

We can revert the dropped kerb back to a footway if it is not in use or you no longer require vehicle access, this work is chargeable.

How long will it take?

We need to assess each application and some applications will take longer than others, for example if we need to move trees or street lamps. The process could take at least 12 weeks from start to finish as long as everything is in place and ready for work to start.

How to apply

Complete and submit your dropped kerb application online:

  • You will need an online Redbridge account to complete the application. You will be taken to a screen to create or log in to a Redbridge account before the application form
  • You will need to pay a non-refundable £438 application and inspection fee


Apply for a dropped kerb