Gritting and snow

View the roads that we grit. These roads have been identified as key routes ensuring that all residents live within 500 metres of a gritted road. It is impractical to grit every road in the Borough.


Redbridge Council gritting team grit major roads, bus routes and the boroughs most trafficked roads that keep local traffic moving. Gritters remain on standby and will take appropriate action following latest weather forecasts. We also continue to grit some key pavements and pathways during periods of snow, particularly near:

  • town centres
  • hospitals
  • schools
  • pedestrian subways
  • bridges and
  • railway stations 

We monitor weather conditions and make necessary decisions to treat roads. Gritting decisions are based on detailed forecasts from the Met Office.

You can also check our social media accounts:

For more information on how we manage our roads during extreme weather, please read our Winter Service Plan 2024-25 (PDF 8.8MB)


Roads the Council isn't responsible for

The A406, A12 (Eastern Avenue) and A1400 (Woodford Avenue). These roads are attended by Transport for London, and the M11 is gritted by the National Highways.

If you have any questions or concerns about these roads please contact Transport for London (TfL) or National Highways


What can I do myself?

You can clear snow and ice on the pavement outside your property, pathways to your property or public spaces. 

Find advice on clearing snow from a road, path or cycleway from GOV.UK


Prolonged snow conditions and low salt stock levels

If there are periods of prolonged snow conditions or our salt stock levels become critical the Council focuses gritting to the Resilience Route Network. The 'Resilience Route Network' has been agreed by Transport for London, bus operators and emergency services.

The Council has more than enough stock to treat roads for a prolonged severe weather event as required by its winter maintenance duties and has access to strategic reserves and a number of suppliers to replace stock when required.


Driving in icy conditions

View advice from GOV.UK on driving in adverse weather conditions

National Highways also has some practical advice for driving in severe weather, please familiarise yourself with their tips on things you can do before you travel, what to pack in your car, and driving tips. 

Travelling in snow and ice - National Highways


Winter Service Plan 

If you would like to know more about how we manage our roads during extreme weather, please read our Winter Service Plan 2024-25 (PDF 8.8MB)

Procedure for Carriageway and Footway Gritting starts between 1 November 2024 to 30 April 2025.