Highways asset management plan

Redbridge Highway Asset Management Strategy (HAMS) and Plan is a highway management document that lays out our approach to maintaining highway assets strategically and efficiently. It was approved by Cabinet in March 2015. The HAMS will be integral to the delivery our highway maintenance investment programme by supporting effective scheme prioritisation, efficient delivery and helping to ensure robust and long term solutions.

We are committed to manage and maintain our highway assets to ensure they are fit for purpose and able to fulfil their functions in an efficient and sustainable manner. We review our policies regularly to ensure they are appropriate and reflect its statutory duties, best practice and stakeholder requirements.

In managing its assets, Redbridge aims to:

  • recognise the need to drive efficiency
  • take a proactive approach to maintenance, favouring effective preventative treatments
  • utilise quality and up-to-date asset inventory and condition information to inform decisions
  • seek access to external funding sources with robust business cases to pay for, or contribute to asset investment
  • support its statutory duties as a highway authority under the Highways Act 1980, the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991, the Transport Act 2004, and the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 with sound asset management practices
  • meet the requirements of reporting Whole of Government Accounts each year
  • reporting of the delivery of the Policy and Objectives is undertaken by Cabinet annually
  • an annual ‘State of the Highway’ report will also be produced to ensure the right outcomes are delivered

The recognition and adoption of the stated aims, objectives and performance measures linked with other Redbridge Council policies will define success. Improvement in performance outcomes shall also demonstrate success.

The strategy document provides asset information and analysis of the maintenance of highway assets, identifies and promotes and supports informed evidence-based decision making and making best use of available resources. Valuations show that the Redbridge highway network is worth just over an estimated £1billion, and it is important that this valuable asset is protected and maintained efficiently with available resources so that the level of service provided can be optimised for road users.  


Redbridge Highway Asset Management Strategy and Plans