Passenger Transport Service

Redbridge Passenger Transport Service was formed in 1988, bringing together the then separate Education and Social Services Passenger operations and at the same time centralising the vehicle fleet.

The Service operates daily 266 routes, undertakes in excess of 25,000 passenger movements per week, throughout the year, with more during the summer months when they undertake a significant number of journeys for private customers. With its fleet of full size coaches and double deck vehicles successful tendering has resulted in a number non-Redbridge contracts. It also runs a Mobility Service (similar to ‘Dial a Ride’) from 7am to 11.30pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, for qualifying Redbridge residents.

In 2010, accreditation was gained for ISO 9001 (Quality), our drivers are uniformed and the vehicles have both tracking and CCTV systems to make your journeys safer.

WE have a fleet of 55 seat Luxury Coaches, 44 Seat Wheelchair accessible Coaches and 74 seat Double Deck Buses (with lap belts) for private hire.

Contact us


Ley Street Depot,

Ley street,


IG2 7QZ 


Telephone: 0208 708 5001 or 0208 708 5388
