Equality Impact Assessment Initial Screening

This screening allows you to create a quick overview of a change in policy, procedure or service to assess the likely equality impacts on different groups of customers, service users and staff and to see if any low level action can be taken to mitigate the likely impact of a decision on a particular group.

An Equality Impact Assessment screening needs to be done on every report that goes to Cabinet. The screening will help you identify if you need to do a Full Equality Impact Assessment.

Officers Involved in completing screening  
Officer completing Equality Screening Donald Chalker, Principal Engineer - Transport Strategy
and Development Control
Head of Service or Operational Director
authorising Equality Screening
Steve Grayer, Head of Highways and Transportation
Date screening completed: 16 April 2019
1. Summary of Proposal  
Name of the proposed new or changed
legislation, policy, strategy, project or service
being assessed:
L.B. Redbridge - Local Implementation Plan (LIP3)
Service Area: Civic Pride
Budget Option: N/A
Budget Reference: N/A
Date proposal to be considered at Cabinet (if
June 2019
Brief description of policy / decision to be
The Local Implementation Plan (LIP) is a statutory
document prepared under Section 145 of the GLA Act
and sets out how the borough proposes to deliver the
Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) in its area, as well as
contributing to other local and sub-regional goals.
Is this a new proposal? Yes
If linked to previous years give details: N/A
Are there any links or interdependencies to
other services or organisations?
On whom will the policy / decision impact? Y Service users
Y Staff
Y Other public sector organisations
Y Voluntary / community groups / trade unions
Y Others, please specify below;
Redbridge residents, businesses and visitors. The N.E.
London sub-region.
Is the service related to health, care, safety,
welfare, wellbeing needs of an
individual/family? If yes, provide details
Does the service work directly with
‘vulnerable people’ or groups with a
‘protected characteristic’? If yes, provide

Please provide a brief description of the current service and proposed changes to service:
The L.B. Redbridge - Local Implementation Plan (LIP3) is the third LIP for the London Borough of Redbridge. It covers the same period as the Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) published in March 2018 and it also takes account of the transport elements of the draft London Plan, and other relevant Mayoral and local policies.

The document sets out long terms goals and transport objectives for the London Borough of Redbridge for the next 20 years, a three-year programme of investment starting in 2019/20, and includes delivery proposals for the period 2019/20 - 2021/22 and the targets and outcomes the borough are seeking to achieve. A more detailed delivery plan is provided for the financial year 2019/20.

2.  Service User/ Resident Profiling
The Redbridge LIP3 will impact on all residents, business and visitors to the Borough.

Profile: Are any groups disproportionately impacted by the changes (who, how and why):
Age profile: Are any age groups disproportionately impacted by the changes
(who, how and why);
• Cheap, independent travel of particular benefit to young
and elderly.
• Creation of safe, attractive street scene of particular
importance to young and elderly.
• Health benefits from improved air quality particularly
important to young and elderly.
• Creation of safe, secure transport network of particular
importance to young and elderly.
Disability profile: Are disabled people or those with certain disabilities
disproportionately impacted by the changes (how and why);
• Cheap, independent travel of particular benefit to people
having disabilities.
• Creation of safe, attractive street scene important to people
having disabilities.
• Health benefits from improved air quality important to
people having disabilities.
• Creation of safe, secure transport network of particular
importance to people having disabilities.
Race profile: Are any ethnic groups disproportionately impacted by the changes
(how and why);
• Creation of safe, attractive street scene important to
minority ethnic communities.
• Creation of safe, secure transport network important to
minority ethnic communities.
Religion or belief profile: Are any faith groups disproportionately impacted by the changes
(how and why);
• Creation of safe, attractive street scene important to
minority faith groups.
• Creation of safe, secure transport network important to
minority faith groups.
Gender profile: Are male/female residents disproportionately impacted by the changes (how and why);
• Creation of safe, attractive street scene important to
• Creation of safe, secure transport network important to
Maternity or pregnancy: Are pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers disproportionately
impacted by the changes (how and why);
• Health benefits from improved air quality important to
pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers
Transgender profile: Are transgender residents disproportionately impacted by the
changes (how and why);
• Creation of safe, attractive street scene important to
transgender people.
• Creation of safe, secure transport network important to
transgender people.
Sexual Orientation profile: Are heterosexual/ gay/ lesbian/ bisexual residents
disproportionately impacted by the changes (how and why);
• Creation of safe, attractive street scene important to LGBT
• Creation of safe, secure transport network important to
LGBT people
Marriage or Civil Partnership: Are people who are married or who have entered into a civil
partnership disproportionately impacted by the changes (how and
Socio-economics/ at risk groups profile: Are any groups disproportionately impacted by the changes (how
and why);
• Cheap, independent travel of particular benefit to people
on low incomes.


3. Summary Grid
 After reviewing the above information in the profiling section indicate likely impact on different groups in the grid below using the following definitions as a guide:

Positive - Service extended, additional funding given or some other benefit to one or more of the groups

Low Adverse - Minor changes to services e.g. slight change in opening hours -- complete mitigating action section where actions can reduce or remove negative impact

Medium Adverse - Significant changes to the way services are delivered -- new eligibility criteria, increased costs. Full EQIA is required to manage the change

High Adverse - vulnerable groups, groups with specific protected characteristics impacted more than others. Major changes e.g. possible closure of service, new eligibility criteria leading to some people losing existing services, significant cost increase.​

Possible impact on Service Users/ Residents Positive Low Adverse Medium Adverse High Adverse
Age Y      
Disabled People or Carers Y      
Race Y      
Religion (including no faith) Y      
Gender Y      
Maternity or pregnancy Y      
Transgender Y      
Sexual Orientation Y      
Marriage or Civil Partnership Y      
Other [e.g. living in poverty, children in
care, homeless, carers, refugees]
4. Screening Decision
Y Positive Impact – No further action required

Low Impact – complete Mitigating Negative Impact (section 5) below
Medium or Adverse Impact – complete a full Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA)
Additional information
5. Mitigating Negative Impact
Where groups are disproportionately affected please outline other options explored before deciding on this
Mitigating Actions
 What activities have you done or plan to do to try and mitigate impact on particular groups e.g. signposting service users to other services, partnership working etc. Include dates for planned/ completed mitigating action plans and Lead Officer. The plan must provide detail on the activities and dates for it to ensure compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty​
Action Anticipated
Lead Deadline Actual
Next Steps  
Is a full Equality Impact Assessment required?​ No.
If a full EQIA is not required, you are still legally
required to monitor and review the proposed
changes after implementation to check they
work as planned and to screen for unexpected
equality impacts. Please provide details of how
you will monitor, evaluate or review your
proposals and when the review will take place
Annual LIP reporting process
Has a Mitigating Actions Plan been prepared?
How is this proposed to be monitored?
Has the screening been included with Cabinet
Have arrangements been made to publish this
Officers Involved in completing screening  
Officer completing Equality Screening​ Donald Chalker, Principal Engineer - Transport Strategy
and Development Control
Date submitted 16 April 2019
Head of Service sign off I agree with the content and outcome of this screening.
Steve Grayer, Head of Highways and Transportation
Date approved by Head of Service 16 April 2019