Change your childs school

The school year runs from September to July. To change the primary or secondary school for your child mid-year, you will need to make an in-year application.

You can apply for a school place this way after your child has started their first year.

Reasons for your child changing school include:

  • moving to Redbridge from somewhere else
  • moving home within Redbridge
  • your child needs to go to a different school

Important: when to apply 

An in-year application can be made at any time.

If your child is due to start primary or secondary school in September 2025, you should apply for a school place.


Apply to change school

Make an in- year application for a school place online

If you’re changing your child’s school in year 11, you’ll also need to complete the year 11 change of school application. We'll only accept this form if you've completed an in-year application form. 

What you need

To apply for school places, you need:

  • your address in Redbridge. You’ll be asked for proof of this
  • up to six schools in Redbridge you want to apply to

Proof of address documents

You'll need to provide proof of your address. 

You’ll need two proofs:

  • your council tax reference number

And either:

  • a rent book
  • a tenancy agreement
  • your TV license
  • a full UK driving license
  • a home utility bill from the last three months

You can add your proof of address when you apply.


Choosing schools

You can apply for a place in up to six schools in Redbridge. This will be your ‘preferred list’ of schools.

Find a school


Advice for choosing schools

Demand for places at our schools is very high.

We recommend putting the closest school to your home or the one in your catchment area in your preferred list. They are much more likely to offer your child a place.


How to list your preferred schools

Put your first choice of school first in your application, followed by your second choice, and so on.

When you get an offer from a school, you’ll be taken off the waiting lists of the schools below that on your list.

For example, if you are sent an offer by the second school on your list, schools three to six will be taken off your list. After that, those schools cannot offer a place unless you request to go back on their waiting list.


Be truthful on your application

Applications made with false information are rejected. It’ll slow down the admissions process for everyone.

Every child is given a place in a school, even if your preferred schools cannot be offered.

Report a fraudulent school application

Report a fraudulent school application

You do not need to give us your name if you do not want to.


How our schools offer places

You’ll only be offered a place at a school if you meet their admissions criteria.

Admissions criteria

How close you live to the school is usually the most important thing considered.

Schools have other criteria’s which mean they may offer places to some children first.

Some schools, including faith schools and grammar schools, have their own admissions criteria.

Make sure you find out what a school's eligibility criteria are before you apply.

Find school’s contact information


Applying to faith schools

To be offered a place at a faith school, you need to send them a Supplementary Information Form (SIF).

You can either:

  • fill out a SIF when you apply
  • download a SIF from the school’s website and send it later

Send your completed SIF to your preferred school.


Changing schools in year 11

If your child does not have a Year 11 school place, apply as soon as possible.

It’s advised that you avoid changing school when your child is in year 11 of secondary school. This is an important year for them as it's when your child takes their GCSE exams.

You should only consider moving school if there is a very good reason to do so.

Sometimes children need support if they're experiencing challenges accessing a mainstream school provision. This is when a child may be referred to an alternative provision.

See behaviour and inclusion information


What happens next?

You’ll get a confirmation email with a reference number from Redbridge.

We’ll email you within 10 working days to let you know which school we’re able to offer your child.

Sometimes schools don’t have places available. If this happens, we’ll put your child on a waiting list. Your child will need to continue at their current school until a place becomes available.

See where you are on a school's waiting list (login or create a My Redbridge account)

If your child is not at school, we’ll offer you a school place nearest to you with a vacancy.

We’ve a fair access protocol to make sure vulnerable young children without a school place, are offered a school as quickly as possible.


Appeal a decision

You can appeal a decision if you’re not offered a school on your preferred list. Follow our guidance on school appeals.