School consultations

Consultation on School Admission Arrangements 2026 - 2027

The Local Authority's admission arrangements for community schools, the coordinated schemes for Primary and Secondary schools, and the Fair Access Protocol for 2026 -2027 were determined at the Council's Cabinet meeting on 13 March 2025. Links to each document can be found below

The determined scheme for secondary co-ordination.

The determined scheme for primary co-ordination.  

The determined policy for 'Hard to place' and vulnerable groups of pupils.

Current Admission Arrangements 2025 - 2026

The proposed scheme for secondary co-ordination.

The proposed scheme for primary co-ordination.  

The proposed policy for 'Hard to place' and vulnerable groups of pupils.

Please note that Redbridge schools that are responsible for their own admissions may also be consulting on admissions for their own schools if they propose any changes to their arrangements or have not consulted in the last 7 years. This includes all voluntary aided faith schools, foundation schools and academies, including free schools. Schools can only change their arrangements if they consult, so without consultation they must remain unchanged.