Customer voice
Customer Voice is here to make sure we are listening to you and designing our services around you. We work with a lot of residents and want to make sure everyone gets their say so we can make the best decisions.
With Customer Voice we will gather information on issues important to you so that we can improve your experience with us. Work is already underway to highlight issues you have told us about so that we are putting your needs at the heart of service design and are able to resolve issues as quickly as possible.
Meet the team
Meet some of our team! We have got lots of people across the council in different services who you may speak to so we want to help put a face to the name.
Customer Services
My name is Melanie Case. I work in the Customer Contact Centre as a Senior Customer Service Officer.
Zenab and Sadia,
Customer Services
My name is Zenab and this is my colleague Sadia. We have both worked in the contact centre for 13 years.
Welfare Reform
My name is Gwen Williams, I am a Welfare Reform Officer and I’m based at Orchard Housing Office.
Customer service insights
We are proud to be listening to our residents and making changes to make the borough a better place. You can see case studies where we have already improved our services.
Case studies
Anti-social behaviour
You told us
Redbridge residents submitted a petition of 1374 signatures and raised thousands of complaints and anti-social behaviour reports about the problem of prostitution. You told us about the problems of public indecency, litter and soliciting. We looked at the data on Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) fines, police data and safeguarding data.
What we did
Redbridge was the first local authority in the UK to create a borough-wide zone to stop street prostitution. The last 18 months have seen a decline in on-street prostitution but we know activity has moved elsewhere. As well as continuing to prosecute perpetrators we want to remove the problem altogether by reducing demand for prostitution. Women and men involved in prostitution are often very vulnerable and may be victims of trafficking or coercion. We want to support those who wish to exit whilst putting pressure on those that are willing to pay for sex.
We have recently won a £20,000 bid to work alongside behavioural insight experts to help in our efforts to reduce this demand. We will implement behavioural insights tools and techniques to reduce demand by increasing respect and empathy for the often trafficked women. We will track progress through our use of data. We will continue to analyse complaints data, police and measure the reduction in demand for enforcement, cleansing and CCTV. We will continue to work with the women involved in prostitution and ensure exit services are as easy to access as possible.
Blue Badge fraud
You told us
Complaints data told us that residents felt we were not enforcing abuse of Blue Badge Parking permits. We met with Blue Badge holders, spoke to partners, Councillors and frontline staff to get a better understanding of the issues. Residents also told us that it was difficult to find spaces near resident parking bays when attending health appointments.
What we did
We have cracked down on Blue Badge fraud and this has led to us being ranked as one of the best in the UK for securing convictions against those using the permit illegally.
Figures released by the Department of Transport ranked Redbridge in the top 11 for boroughs across the country that successfully prosecuted against blue badge fraud last year. We only started its campaign against Blue Badge fraud last year, making the league table ranking all the more impressive.
As part of the on-going campaign, we have checked hundreds of badges, with most cases brought to court, involving people using someone else’s badge, to avoid paying for parking.