Duke of Edinburgh's Award

The Duke of Edinburgh's team moved on Monday to Hainault youth Centre, 116 Huntsman Road, Ilford IG6 3SY

Welcome to our Redbridge Duke of Edinburgh's Award webpage.  The Duke of Edinburgh's (DofE) Award is a real adventure from beginning to end. It’s for all young people aged between 13 and a half to 24 years old.

You can do DofE  programmes at three levels:

  • Bronze, for those in year 9
  • Silver, for those in year 10
  • Gold, for anyone over 16

To achieve your award you must complete the following sections:

  • volunteering
  • physical activities/sport
  • skills such as performing arts and life skills
  • expeditions such as camping and navigation.
  • residential (for Gold award only) 

The best part is - you get to choose what you want to do!

View ideas for each of the programme activities

Please note Redbridge DofE only provide expeditions for the Bronze Award. If you want to do the expedition for Silver or Gold Award please check the DofE website.

There is a discount available for a young person on Free School Meals please discuss with the DofE Coordinator and you will need to provide documentation.

The DofE induction is on Monday evening from 5.30pm to 7.30 pm at Hainault Youth Centre by appointment only.

The enrolment is:

  • Bronze Award enrolment: £38
  • Silver award Enrolment: £38
  • Gold award enrolment: £45

From April 2025, the enrolment cost will be: 

  • Bronze Award enrolment: £40.50
  • Silver award Enrolment: £40.50
  • Gold award enrolment: £47.50

We only accept online payments.  Once we receive your enrolment form the DofE team will contact you. To make your payment we will need parent information such as first name, surname and email address to create an online payment request. All payments are non-refundable.

Enrol on DofE

 Our enrolment costs cover:

  • eDofe online account
  • your welcome pack with the assessor's report cards
  • your DofE discounted card
  • details of how to log in to eDofE or using the DofE app on your mobile phone
  • ongoing support from Redbridge DofE staff, as well as information about and opportunities to enable you to complete your sections.

Contact Redbridge DoE for more information

Your assessor's report can be submitted online but you need to either give your eDofE ID number or use your assessor's report card to upload it. 

Expedition dates 2025

No Bronze expedition is provided this year. Please check the DofE Approved Activity Provider website.

Opportunity Finder - The Duke of Edinburgh's Award


The cost of each expedition includes the cost of the expedition plus an admin fee, which is non-refundable.

Please note: Failure to meet the payment deadline and to complete and submit the consent and agreement forms before the expedition deadline will mean you will not be able to attend the expedition.

How to book a place on an expedition 

  1. Select the practice and assessment expedition dates 
  2. Submit the consent and agreement e-forms 

For your information, Bronze expeditions are two days and one night camping, with at least six hours during the daytime for a planned activity (at least three of those hours will include navigation).

To complete the expedition section, you must attend an online meeting on a Monday evening and complete a practice expedition as well as the assessment expedition. 

When you sign up for expeditions we will need parent information - first name, surname and email address to create an online payment request. We require payment made online and in full for us to confirm your expedition place.

There is a discount of £50 available for participants on Free School Meals please discuss with the DofE Coordinator.

If the expedition is unaffordable for other reason and would like to pay in instalment , please discuss it with the DofE Coordinator

The cost includes a contribution to the costs incurred by the Youth Service for providing the expeditions. This includes, but is not limited to, administration, compliance with DofE requirements and the Borough’s Policies and Procedures. 

If you would like to borrow our expedition equipment, please contact us at dofe@redbridge.gov.uk

Once you have booked your place on an expedition, the expedition letter will be emailed to you. 


Contact Us

DofE Team

Phone number: 01753 727399


The DofE office is open Monday from 2pm to 8pm.  

Working remotely:  Tuesday from 12pm to 6pm,

                                      Wednesday and  Thursday 10am to 4pm. 

Closed on Friday.