Mental health & well-being

Because of world events, you might feel those around you dismiss your concerns and feelings. Many things may feel uncertain right now, remember that it’s OK if you feel a bit lost. You are not alone. There are a lot of young people feeling like this. Reach out to friends and talk to your teachers, share your experiences, and stay connected with others who are in the same boat. It can feel scary and overwhelming when we don’t know what will happen, and a lot of it will be out of our control. Identifying the things that you do have control over, and those you do not can make this feel a bit more manageable.

Fiona Barrett, Connexions Manager

Top Tips for Good Mental Health!

  1. Acknowledge what you are feeling: Think along the lines of ‘I am feeling anxious about what’s going on at the moment, but I’m also excited about what the future could bring. It won’t be like this forever!
  2. Keeping yourself physically healthy will help you to deal with any emotional difficulties you may have. This could include cycling, walking, and going to the park.
  3. Focus on what you can control: Going outside can be stressful, but you have no choice. So, focus on things you can do to stay safe - hand washing, face coverings. Do your research – find out what your school, local shops etc. are doing to keep you safe. Check out your normal travel route to school, friends and family.
  4. Be in the moment and take things as they come: Spending endless time thinking about what the future might be like- you will lose touch with what is happening now. That doesn’t mean you don’t plan for the new normal, but once the planning is over, return to the present.
  5. Take time to get used to new routines in your life. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be ok with change straight away. When restrictions are lifted slightly it may feel like things are going back to normal however, for the near future you still need to follow social distancing measures and health and safety procedures.
  6. Focus on the positive: When we first heard about Covid-19, it was like an apocalypse. But it’s been months, and we’re still here. We are resilient, and we will bounce back. Just remember, you can overcome this if you stand together. Life will not be the same – so be open-minded to your new routine, and find your way with it.

Support and Advice

You can get support from Hainault Youth Centre. There you will find Youth Workers that can offer help and advice (please note this centre is currently closed due to COVID)

Please also remember you can always talk to a member of staff at school, such as your teacher, if you need help or support. You can also talk to an adult you know that you trust and feel comfortable talking to. Whoever you choose to talk to, please do it as soon as possible. The sooner you talk to someone the sooner you can get the help and support that you need.

You can get additional help and support from the services below. If you contact a service and are worried about confidentiality and how your information will be used please ask the person you are speaking with to explain their policy.

  • Kooth – free online counselling service for young people in Redbridge
  • 1-2-1 Counsellor chat - online help from a Childline Counsellor
  • Redbridge Youth Service - Redbridge Youth Service are here for you; not only can you talk to us about any difficulties or problems you may have but we also offer a range of enjoyable opportunities around the Borough. For more information check out our WEBSITE and Instagram page – Redbridge youth
  • Nelft - a website with lots of information about apps and web sites on issues ranging from stress to struggling with eating
  • - Redbridge Educational Wellbeing Team (REWT) are a team offering support for both children and parents, through school and through groups (currently online). Email them, link above, and follow them on Instagram at #RedbridgeEducationalWellbeing
  • Coronavirus: mental health support - Our Coronavirus hub has a fantastic map signposting useful services.
  • Young People Friendly Sexual Health and Relationship Services - Sexual health, contraception and relationship services for young people in Redbridge