Provisional statement

A provisional licence can be applied for to obtain authorisation for the proposed use of a venue where premises are being or are about to be constructed, extended or otherwise altered for the purpose of the venue being used for one or more licensable activities.

Licensable activities includes the sale or supply of alcohol, regulated entertainment and late night refreshment.

It provides applicants with the means of establishing whether a licence is likely to be granted before the start of construction, extension or alterations to a premises for the provision of licensable activities.

After the building works are completed following the grant of a provisional statement, applicants will be required to apply for a new premises licence in the normal way before the premises can be used for any licensable activities. The application and annual fees will be based on the Non-Domestic Rateable Value.


Who is eligible to apply?

Any of the following may apply for a provisional statement:

  • anyone with an interest in the premises 
  • applicants must be over 18 years of age
  • the applicant for the provisional statement does not have to be the same as the applicant applying for the premises licence

Applications must be in a specific format and the fee for applying for a provisional statement is £315. An application must be accompanied by a schedule of works in the prescribed form:

  • a statement made by or on behalf of the applicant including particulars of the premises to which the application relates and of the licensable activities for which the premises are to be used
  • plans of the work being or about to be done at the premises
  • Such other information as may be prescribed


Apply for a provisional statement


The application will be considered valid only when all required information and documentations including the appropriate fee have been received.


This authority has a duty to protect the public funds it administers and to that end, the information you supply on the licensing applications may be used to prevent and identify fraud. For these objectives, the authority may also share your information with other authorities responsible for purposes of auditing or administering public monies. Refer to our privacy notice for more information.

There are also various policies should be considered before submitting an application, view the adopted licensing policies


The authority will review the application and contact the applicant if additional information is required.

If no documents are missing or additional information is required from applicant, the authority will send a copy of the electronic application to the appropriate authorities for consultation.


You are recommended to contact the authority before displaying the statutory notice(s) or advertising your application in a local paper. For Provisional Statement applications under the Licensing Act 2003 applicants must display a notice in the prescribed format that must be displayed on the premises so as to be read from the outside for a period of 28 days starting from the application date. The display notice must be on A4 paper and be pale blue in colour. A notice with the same information must also be displayed in a local newspaper that circulates in the area of the premises within 10 days from the application date. The statutory blue notice must be repeated every 50m for large premises. The 28 day consultation period will be reset and the publication will need to be re-advertised in the newspaper if the prescribed wording specified in the statutory blue notice and/or newspaper advertisement is not used. Any deviation from this requirement will not be accepted as compliant with the legislation. Therefore, please ensure that the prescribed wording stipulated on the Redbridge Licensing Authority website is used for new provisional statement applications.

View the statutory blue notice (PDF 11KB) which must be displayed at or on the premises in the format prescribed by the authority. The authority will display a summary copy of the application under Members Licensing Bulletin during the consultation period.

View the template for a newspaper advertisement notice (PDF 17KB) that must be published in a local newspaper.

Fill out and return the newspaper advertisement confirmation form (PDF 17KB).


Representations can be in support or against an application and must be based on one or more of the four licensing objectives.

If you wish to make a representation on a licence application view the representation guidelines.

If any representations are made to any submitted application, the authority will contact the applicant to notify them of the next stage of the process.

If no representations are received the licensing authority will grant the application, subject only to any conditions that are consistent with the operating schedule, any conditions agreed between parties and relevant mandatory conditions.


A hearing must be held if any relevant representations are made in respect of the application or unless the representation or application is withdrawn. If a hearing is held the licence may be granted or granted with conditions, the licensable activities listed in the application may be excluded or the application may be refused. The licensing authority will serve a notice of its decision on the applicant and any person who has made relevant representations.

View the licensing applications under consideration by our Licensing Committee as well as the decisions committee have made.


You may appeal a licensing hearing decision to the Magistrates Court within 21 days of receiving notice of the decision.


We provide pre-application advice to assist you with your licensing application under the Licensing Act 2003. Register your interest in our pre-application advice service.


Yes. If an application for a provisional statement has been made lawfully and there have been no representations from responsible authorities or other persons before the end of the consultation period. This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from the local authority by the end of the target completion period. The Council's target completion date is 40-days after the authority and the responsible authorities have received your valid application for provisional statement under the Licensing Act 2003.


At present we encourage all applicants to make electronic applications via the online portal.

Postal application is available by downloading and filling out the application forms by hand, making payment then scanning and emailing the application along with the payment to, please contact the authority for copies of postal forms.

Any applications received without the required information and documentation including payment will be invalid for consideration by the authority.

If you are experiencing issues with the electronic PDF, it is possible that you are using an older version of Windows, Server or a device not compatible among other system issues. We recommend that you update to the newest version of Adobe Reader or use the latest Windows Server or other compatible operating system to access and submit an electronic application via the online portal.