Public meetings

Speaking at public meetings

Most Council and Committee meetings are open to the public. The issues considered at these meetings affect the lives of you, our residents and those who work in Redbridge. View the calendar for upcoming meetings.

You can speak at any of the following public meetings:

  • Cabinet
  • Full Council 
  • Overview and Scrutiny Committees
  • Planning Committee

The rules for speaking at Planning Committee can be found here:-

Redbridge - Planning Committee meetings

Each individual speaker should make a request by 5pm on the working day before the meeting, stating that:

  • you wish to speak
  • the subject matter on which you wish to speak
  • any specific questions you wish to ask

Requests can be made by email or telephone.

Cabinet meetings

Contact details:


All questions for full Council should be submitted  no earlier than 21 days before the Council meeting and no later than midday on the fifth working day before the Meeting (i.e. midday on the Thursday the week before Council is scheduled to take place on the Thursday).

For all other meetings:

Make a request in writing to:

Redbridge Town Hall
128-142 High Road

Proceedings at public meetings, including attendance and contributions by the public, may be video recorded, audio recorded or photographed and may then be broadcast. If you do not wish to be filmed, photographed or recorded, you may withdraw from the meeting. However, anyone present has a legal right to record the proceedings and must not be prevented from doing so.

View details about Scrutiny Committees and Panels

Full Council meetings

Full Council meetings are one of the key decision-making meetings held by Redbridge Council. There are 3 ways in which you can attend the meeting and these are by submitting:

Questions and Deputations

Written notice of the question you wish to ask must be given to the Operational Director - Assurance by 12 noon on the fifth working day before the meeting which is normally 12 noon on the Thursday before a Thursday meeting.

Deputations of up to 7 residents or business ratepayers of the Borough or their employees may be received at any ordinary or budget meeting. Written notice of a deputation must be given at least 3 working days before the meeting which is normally by Monday of the week of a Thursday meeting. 

To give written notice of a question or deputation please email:

Petition for debate

You can present a petition for debate which has a minimum of 1500 signatures to Full Council Meetings. Find out more about petitions

Find out about Petitions for Directly elected mayors (PDF 20KB)

Overview and Scrutiny Committees / Policy Development Committee  

Contact details: Email  or telephone 020 8708 2739.

Find out more about Overview and Scrutiny Committees 

Find out more about Policy Development Committees


Planning Committee

If you wish to speak at the Planning Committee which deals with planning, you will need to inform the Democratic Services Officer on 020 8708 2159 by 5pm on the working day before the day of the meeting you wish to speak at. You will need to report to the Democratic Services Officer at the entrance to the public seating area in the Council Chamber between 6.45pm and 7.10pm on the evening of the meeting. Please be ready to advise them of the site address of the planning application concerned and the application number.


Audio recordings of  Full Council and Cabinet meetings

Listen to the audio for the most recent Cabinet meeting

Listen to the audio for the most recent Full Council meeting

Listen to the audio for all past Full Council meetings

Listen to the audio for all past Cabinet meetings