Redbridge Life

Redbridge Life is published four times a year, and delivered door to door to all residents in the Borough. It provides residents with information about services and events in Redbridge.

The cost to Redbridge Council of producing Redbridge Life is around 8 pence a copy, including design, printing and distribution.

The newspaper format is the most cost-effective way of providing printed information about our services to every household in the Borough.

Latest Redbridge Life issue

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Are you receiving your copy?

Redbridge Life is delivered to households in Redbridge in March, June, September and December.

If you do not receive your copy please contact the editor at


Advertise in Redbridge Life

Redbridge Life is produced 4 times a year and we deliver 106,000 copies (plus 6,000 to all libraries and public buildings) free to homes across the Borough.

You can reach 265, 000 potential new customers by advertising in Redbridge Life (based on an ABC1 of 2.5 readers per copy).  There is a range of advertising options to suit any budget.

Please contact our editor at to find out more.

View Redbridge Life advertising rates (PDF 1.04MB)


Redbridge News

Redbridge News is a free monthly enewsletter that is sent to over 19,000 subscribers.

Redbridge news contains a range of information about:

  • local news
  • events
  • updates about changes to services
  • leisure activities
  • seasonal events
  • consultations


Subscribe to our enewsletter