Surrender a licence or club certificate

Premises Licence

If you are named on the Premises Licence as a holder you are still responsible for:

  • any licensable activities that take place at the premises
  • paying the annual licence fee until the licence is surrendered

Club Premises Certificate

If you are named on the Club Premises Certificate you remain responsible:

  • for any licensable activities that take place at the club premises
  • liable for the annual licence fee until the certificate is surrendered

Holders of the premises licence or club premises certificate must notify the authority in writing of their intention to surrender the premises licence or club certificate (PDF 281 KB) even if the holder have left the premises or if a club no longer requires a certificate.

Use the prescribed form to notify the authority, if more than one person is the holder of the Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate, it must be signed by all Holders. 

The notification must be accompanied by the original Premises Licence or Club Certificate including the summary pages or an explanation on the form as to why the return of the original licence or certificate is not possible. 

The Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate will lapse with immediately effect upon receipt of a valid notification.

Personal Licence

If you have a personal licence and wish to surrender, the following may be given to the authority to that effect:

  • notification to surrender personal licence
  • enclose both parts of your alcohol personal licence (card and counterpart) if that is not practicable, a statement of the reasons for the failure to provide the licence.

Use the prescribed form to surrender personal licence (PDF 359 KB), the personal licence lapses upon receipt of the surrender notice by the authority.

A surrendered or lapsed premises licence can be reinstated under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 but there is a 28 days time limit. An interim authority notice or transfer application may be given to the authority.



At present we encourage all applicants to make electronic applications.

Please download and fill out the application forms by hand then scan and email the complete notification along with the original licence or certificate to