Protected buildings and conservation areas

Redbridge has many areas and buildings of historic or architectural interest. The Redbridge Local Plan includes policies to protect these special areas and buildings.

You can find and view these buildings and areas on our map under the category planning and land

Conservation areas

Conservation areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest which have extra planning rules applied to them to help preserve or enhance their character and protect their settings. We have 16 conservation areas in Redbridge that are supported by design guidance which give advice on how to improve your homes in an acceptable manner. 

Check if you live in a conservation area by using the imap

We have produced an overarching Conservation Area Management Proposals document (PDF 6 MB) which relates to all conservation areas within Redbridge, but we also have specific guidance for individual conservation areas.

Aldersbrook and Lake House Estate

Barnardo's Village Homes

No adopted guidance for this Conservation Area.

The Bungalow Estate (was Mayfield)


George Lane

No adopted guidance for this Conservation Area.

Little Heath


South Woodford

Valentines Mansion

No adopted guidance for this Conservation Area.

Wanstead Park

Wanstead Grove

Wanstead Village

Woodford Bridge

Woodford Broadway

Woodford Green and Woodford Wells

Listed buildings

A listed building is a building or structure "of special architectural or historic interest" and has a special status in planning law. All listed buildings are included on a national register called the "Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest”, managed by Historic England.

When a building is listed, the entire building is protected, including the interior. Any object or structure fixed to the listed building also becomes listed, as does any structure built before 1948 within the grounds (officially known as the 'curtilage') of the Listed Building. This includes outbuildings, garden walls and other boundary structures, gates and, in some cases, even brick paths and terraces.

Please visit Historic England’s apply for listing page if you would like to recommend a building for Listing.

Statutory listed buildings are designated by English Heritage and are protected through special planning controls. Check if you live in a statutory listed building

Some buildings not of national importance, but of local architectural or historic interest, make a contribution to the character of Redbridge. We maintain a list of these buildings and work to preserve them. Check if you live in a locally listed building 

The majority of works to a listed building will require listed building consent. It is a criminal offence to demolish, alter or extend a listed building without listed building consent and penalties can be heavy, usually a fine or even a term of imprisonment. We therefore strongly encourage you to seek professional advice before undertaking your project. We recommend contacting a private heritage planning architect/agent.

Article 4 Direction

If an 'Article 4 Direction' has been applied to your property, you will need to submit a planning application for any changes first so we can give you advice about the best methods, design and materials for your works. check if you live in an area or property that has an Article 4 Direction

This year Redbridge Council has reviewed and updated its list of locally listed buildings, structures, and list of locally designated areas (the Local List). The new Local List, renamed the Local Heritage List, includes the documents linked below which make make up the Local Heritage List for the London Borough of Redbridge. 

What is a Local Heritage List?

A Local Heritage List consists of a list of non-designated heritage assets within an area that do not have the statutory protection of designated heritage assets but have a level of special character and historic interest that warrants local protection.  Non-designated heritage assets are buildings, monuments, sites, places, areas or landscapes identified as having a degree of heritage significance meriting consideration in planning decisions, but which do not meet the criteria for designated heritage assets.  There are a number of processes through which non-designated heritage assets may be identified one of which is the formation of a Local Heritage List.


Local Heritage List Facing Document

The Local Heritage List Facing Document should be viewed as an overview of the appendices documents that make up the Local Heritage List. It sets out the content of the Local Heritage List, including the full list of locally designated buildings and structures in the borough, and the list of Local Character Areas, formally known as Residential Precincts. The Local Heritage List Facing Document also includes entries that were included in the previous Local List but which have been removed from the final Local Heritage List. This includes the removal of  buildings or structures that are now statutory listed, that have been demolished, or have been heavily altered and lost heritage value. 

Local Character Areas, formerly Residential Precincts

Residential Precincts have been renamed as Local Character Areas, and again some of these have ben removed from the Local Heritage List because they have either become conservation areas or have lost heritage value. The list of Local Character Areas (formerly Residential Precincts) removed from the Local Heritage List is also set out in the Local Heritage List Facing Document.

Local Heritage List Appendices

The Local Heritage List appendices contain more details regarding the subject matter within the Local Heritage List Facing Document. Appendix A and Appendix B contains full details for the locally listed buildings and structures, and Local Character Areas respectively. Appendix C lists buildings removed from the Local Heritage List with details on why they have been removed. The information within the appendix documents is presented in tabular format (proformas), with supporting photography and mapping where required. You can view all the documents by clicking on the links below.

Local Heritage List Facing Document (625KB)

Appendix A: Local Heritage List Buildings & Structures (8,803KB)

Appendix B: Local Heritage List Local Character Areas (3,781KB)

Appendix C: Buildings Removed from the Local Heritage List (625KB)


Redbridge is fortunate to have a range of archaeological remains in the area.

The remains include artifacts made thousands of years ago from Roman times and evidence of prehistoric settlements. There are also many unusual sites relating to modern industrial and military archaeology.

We aim to conserve our archaeological heritage and refer planning applications to the Greater London Archaeology Advisory Service (GLAAS)